Thursday, January 30, 2014

Gossip Monster

Proverbs 16:28
King James Version (KJV)
28 A froward man soweth strife: and a whisperer separateth chief  friends.
I’ve had this little lesson on my heart and mind for several weeks now, but I couldn't get peace on posting this blog until a few minutes ago. It’s not a very popular topic – and it’s a discouraging topic! But, my prayer is that this will help someone, somewhere, some day…including myself.
One wouldn’t think Christian people would not say bad things about other people of like-faith, but like everyone else, Christians are regular people, with regular problems. You've probably seen the sentiment, “Christians aren’t perfect, just forgiven.”
Gossiping is not love. Speaking strife against someone else in the faith does NOT carry the cause of Christ forward.
But, in the real world, we also understand that it happens. {I pray and trust that YOU and I don’t have involvement in such harmful communication. It is not a blessing to anyone. It doesn’t help!}

Retrospectively, I feel like gossip or destructive conversation is in the vein of a “little while lie.” There really isn’t a little lie. Rumors. Inaccurate information. “Half – truths!” And/or unfair criticisms sprinkled in with what we THINK we know is dangerous ground!
I’ve known gossip to get out of control, haven’t you? Rumors and false information can jump out of someone’s mouth and instantly become a monster.
If I had to picture what the gossip monster would look like, it might have a huge round body and an encompassing little head with huge lips on the front. It might look filthy. The matted fur would have debris in it and be filled with dirt and nasty things. The monster would have large eyes so he could watch and observe you better. Slobber and mucous might constantly drain from open wounds. The gossip monster would have a putrid smell. It would make us gag to be in his/her presence.
It’s fast too – this gossip monster. It would be hard to out-run it. He spreads his rumors and dirty debris with about anyone he can. All in the name of self-righteousness. He wears his pseudo-knowledge like Superman’s cape. There’s part of him that actually enjoys spreading rumors and gossip. False information. He says it is to “expose” others or to “help” the situation.
Hmmm…Is that what a real gossip monster looks like? I suggest the gossip monster might be the one sitting beside you on Sunday morning. The person(s) whom you shake hands with each and every week in worship service. The innocent looking lady you believe to be genuinely nice. The innocent looking man you believe to be authentically honest.  
OUCH! That’s hard to believe isn’t it? Actually, it’s not a very nice thing for me to say. But our churches and our families are filled with PEOPLE. Not fictional monsters. People…ordinary and seemingly extraordinary people.
Let’s not judge people or situations too prematurely. (I understand this can be a big challenge!) Let’s not cloak ourselves in pride, deeming our own Christianity stronger and purer than someone else’s. Let’s refrain from assuming that we know everything in every situation. Let’s NOT assume we know the hearts of other people.
Rather, let’s be more mindful to BUILD UP someone, rather than break them down. Be very cautious of an individual who is malicious in their words. You know how it is – they might say, “I would usually never say this…” or “I don’t mean to be ugly, but…” or “I’m just standing up for the truth…” Perhaps you've heard someone say, "I always KNEW something was wrong with him or her..."
Ugh! Be cautious! The gossip monster is probably on your trail. Run! (And by all means, refrain from posting public things on social media such as Twitter and Face Book! You may not know what you think you know. And if it's destructive, it's definitely not pleasing to God) It simply makes Christians look bad! And that's not good. 

Look UP my friends!

1 comment:

  1. So true...I have been guilty myself....thanks for reminding me to control my tongue!! Always love your posts!
