Wednesday, August 28, 2013

A Bag of Chips

I encourage you to take 90 seconds to read this story. The story is not my own. It is one I received from a member of our local church several months ago, and I'd like to share it with you. I thought it well illustrated the ‘power’ of kindness. (A characteristic all Christians should exercise daily!) Whoever the author is, I hope he/she won’t mind the few editorial tweaks I made! They were made in love. The story came back to my fore mind last week – and after prayerful consideration, I feel today is the right day to share it with you, dear reader.  It will give you time to settle your brain, gather your thoughts, calm your spirit, and help you to go into the Labor Day weekend in the right frame of mind. [Don’t forget to read God’s Word before you get too busy with cookouts, last minute swimming pool time, and the routine business of life]. One final clarification: Reader, you also understand that God the Father is, was, and always will be on His thrown in Heaven – this story is an illustration – not a literal definition of WHO or ALL that He is!)

A little boy wanted to meet God. He knew it was a long trip to where God lived, so he packed his suitcase with a bag of potato chips and a six-pack of root beer and started his journey.

When he had gone about three blocks, he met an elderly man. He was sitting in the park, just staring at some pigeons. The boy sat down next to him and opened his suitcase. He was about to take a drink from his root beer when he noticed that the old man looked hungry, so he offered him some chips. He gratefully accepted it and smiled at him.

His smile was so pretty that the boy wanted to see it again, so he offered him a root beer. Again, he smiled at him. The boy was delighted! They sat there all afternoon eating and smiling, but they never said a word…

As twilight approached, the boy realized how tired he was and he got up to leave; but before he had gone more than a few steps, he turned around, ran back to the old man, and gave him a hug. He gave him his biggest smile ever..

When the boy opened the door to his own house a short time later, his mother was surprised by the look of joy on his face. She asked him, "What did you do today that made you so happy?"
He replied, "I had lunch with God." But before his mother could respond, he added, "You know what? He's got the most beautiful smile I've ever seen!"

Meanwhile, the aged man, also radiant with joy, returned to his home. His son was stunned by the look of peace on his face and he asked, "dad, what did you do today that made you so happy?"

He replied "I ate potato chips in the park with God." However, before his son responded, he added, "You know, he's much younger than I expected."

I thought that story was a beautiful representation of the power of touch, the influence of compassion, the warmth of a smile, the kindness of the spoken word. Too often we underestimate our ability – the power - of a touch, a smile, the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around. People come into our lives for a reason, a season, or a lifetime! Embrace all equally!  (Life Moment: Kindness, consideration, thoughtful acts, and caring gestures do NOT replace or supersede the spirit of God on any level. Rather, those things ADD to the character of the Christian).
Be a blessing to someone today. Make a deliberate decision toward kindness. Show humanity for others. Choose to be friendly. You CAN make a difference with God’s help!   And have lunch with God.......bring the chips!
Look UP my friends!

Monday, August 26, 2013

Everyone is Busy

Our being is silent, but our existence is noisy.
--Thomas Merton

If I had to choose one word to describe the Christian today…it might be busy! I cannot think of any one day, other than Sunday, that people might be able to enjoy some true quiet time. Sometimes finding 5 minutes of unobtrusive time in such a fast paced life seems downright impossible! Retired, teenager, middle-age, youth, senior saint…everyone is so busy!

As I type this, the clock on the screen says 4:23 a.m. I am physically tired; conceptually tired, but not sleepy. I cannot blame the diet soda that I drank with my supper. I cannot say it is anyone or anything’s fault. I am feeling peaceful yet determined as I listen to the slight humming noise of the ceiling fan. I can hear our dog making muffled noises in her sleep; one of our cats is curled in a ball on the rocking chair. As I think over this week’s “to do” list, I began to meditate on how much strength and grace the Lord provides while we’re busy leading our go-go-go lives. It’s a good thing that while we may get exhausted at times, God never gets exhausted! His power is limitless. His grace is beyond all limitations!

Even our spiritual lives are often too busy, aren’t they? Or maybe I should better say that our spiritual lives can be busy AND loud. Let’s use caution within our Christian busy-ness. Let’s refrain from applauding ourselves for being “church busy.” (Myself included). If we feel a need to boast about our actions, then we probably have too much ego involved to be a genuine blessing to someone else. (That ole’ ego is a slippery fellow! He’ll slip right in there and ruin a good thing!)

As I read the Word of God this morning, my thoughts turned to Psalm 46:10 “Be still and know that I am God.”  I see Him saying “Be Quiet” more than He says “Be Busy.” (Not that we shouldn’t be working and doing for the cause of Christ!) But, even in our actions, our activity, we may need to be soft. Noiseless. Inaudible.

A Quiet Influence for Our Families ~ The apostle Paul wrote to the church in Thessalonica (1 Thessalonians 4:11) And that ye study to be quiet, and to do your own business, and to work with your own hands, as we commanded you. One famous minister says, "You will have much more influence on the world if you do it quietly, than if you stand in the road yelling and screaming."  It is usually best not to “beat someone over the head” with our faith. We can speak volumes without having said a single word. For example, I know I can influence my husband in quiet ways. Perhaps your spouse is much more likely to be influenced if you do things gently. With love.  

A Poem by Deborah Ann Belka

A feeling of quiet peace,
a restfulness deep inside
the presence of such calm
is when God is at my side.

Around me, there’s a storm,
that resembles a rumbling sea
yet, that feeling of tranquility
still flourishes inside me.

A feeling of quiet peace,
a serenity that flows about
the presence of His holiness
I can feel it surge throughout.

While the sea may be stormy,
as it rages through my mind
my heart is calmly reassured
His quietness is mine to find.

A feeling of quiet peace,
a calmness that far exceeds
all my wishes and desires
for, God surpasses all my needs.

Psalm 29:11 (KJV)
“The Lord will give strength unto his people; the Lord will bless his people with peace.”

Look UP my friends!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

August's Top 10 Quotes

Today’s blog is quite simple and diminutive. I’ve been jotting down quotes over the last two months which have motivated me, convicted me, or encouraged me…I wanted to share my favorite ‘list of ten’ by Dr. Henry Brandt. (#9 particularly spoke to my heart.) I hope that you will take five minutes to read them over a few times and let the Holy Spirit speak to your heart today.
August Top 10 Quotes
"The heart of the problem is a problem with the heart."
"You're just a prayer away from a change of heart."
"Finding relief in your problem is fine, but it will not cure the problem."
"My environment can give me relief from sin and tension, only the Lord can cure it."
"You can manage your sin, but that's not repentance."
"If it's sin, that's good news! Sin is the simplest thing in the world to deal with."
"There's no human remedy for sin."
"Jesus wants to give you peace."
"You would think that everyone would leap at the chance to get rid of sin. Not so. They want relief not a cure."
"Your walk with God does not depend on people, places, things or events."
Look UP my friends!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Bethany's Testimony

Sometimes it is helpful, supportive, and ministerial to our soul to learn about someone else’s personal testimony – the things God brought them through.  You’ve read the saying, “What God brings you to – He’ll bring you through! I’ve learned what that means to someone else recently. Testimonies offer us hope! They foster a belief that if they can overcome it; we can too!  With that said, please allow me introduce you to Bethany. She is a wife, mother, insurance analyst, and last but not least a born-again Believer in Jesus Christ. She is 41 years young.  I asked her several questions; took lots of notes; wiped away several tears, and asked for permission to share her life.

What her life was like BEFORE accepting Christ as her personal Savior?  Before I received Christ I was in the deepest, blackest, most bitter darkness caused by a childhood of abuse--physical, psychological, and sexual. Any kind of abuse you can think of…I survived it.  It came from a person I was supposed to trust the dad. I remember the mind games and the fear he kept me in. I remember very vividly the lies and the manipulation. He hurt me constantly. My life was miserable. I could not escape my pain. It was daily.”

How She Came to Faith in Jesus  “My childhood pain took a great toll on me. I paid a price for what someone else did. I grew up – like millions of kids do – we grow up! What I experienced at the hands of my mentally ill dad was unforgivable. It was the worst pain imaginable. But I realized I needed a Savior. I was 13 years old, but I knew I needed Him more than anything else in my life. The pain that I experienced was nothing compared to watching the pain in my mom’s eyes. I tried to keep her from harm – but mostly the violence and the torture got worse as I  grew older. I didn’t know how to cope – I made bad choices back then – with my body, with alcohol. I tried to go to church to be closer to God, but my dad stopped me every time he could. I didn’t think I was good enough to know Jesus – but I came to understand He loved me anyway.”

How My Faith Has Made a Difference   My faith in God has made the biggest and best difference in my life. The Lord has gotten me through some really rough times. I’ve blamed myself a lot. I’ve blamed others a lot. I used to carry my abuse around with me. I couldn’t shake it off. It was like a backpack, going with me everywhere I went. I felt labeled. I felt different. God has saved my life more times than I can tell you. I don’t want to waste it! My only wish is that through my testimony that someone else may be helped. I want people to know that regardless of our scars, it is through HIS stripes that we are healed! It is through HIS blood that I am made clean. Our sin can be made as white as snow! Once I finally stopped arguing with God about whether or not He could love me… I finally accepted Him. I don’t hide from my shame anymore. Jesus gave me a new freedom and a new love for living! I am thankful that I met a Christian man, and we raise our daughter in a Christian atmosphere. God really CAN bless us beyond anything we ever imagined. I’m living proof of that! Stupid things we do in our teen years doesn’t mean our adulthood will be wasted.”

Lessons Bethany Learned
·         Trust God – with everything.
·         Don’t label yourself by your past sin
·         Love people – not just people you like (That's a hard one!)
·         Never believe the lies of satan
·         Share your testimony – you’ll be surprised how much it helps others
·         Don't live in self pity.
·         Be humble – don’t think of yourself as better than your neighbor
·         Don't be overly critical – you don’t know what others’ are going through
·         Guard your tongue – especially when angry

I think it’s a good idea to remember these valuable life lessons! It brings to mind the old hymn…”What can wash away my sin? Nothing but the Blood of Jesus. What can make me whole again? Nothing but the Blood of Jesus! O’ precious is the flow!”
A Short Prayer:  Heavenly Father, In the name of your Son, Jesus, we thank you for all blessings. You are the giver of all grace! We thank you for the breath that sustains us. Help us to give you all glory with each breath we take! Thank you for breaking our bonds through the blood of the Lamb! We praise you for the gift of deliverance from that which is evil. Thank you again for the love of family and friends who make our life more joyful. We praise you! In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Look UP my friends!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Choosing To Be Joyful

Your eyes are not deceiving you. Dyed sheep! In Scotland. Of course! (smile) Why spray-paint sheep red? “They are causing quite a stir with passers-by,” according to farmer Andrew Jack, who further explained “It is a bit of fun and it does brighten things up.” Aye, so it do!
Freshly dyed sheep run in view of the highway near Bathgate, Scotland. There’s something about it - I just love it! (I would really like to see this fascinating sight myself!) The sheep farmer has been dyeing his sheep with a nontoxic dye since 2007 to entertain passing motorists. Just for joy. For the fun of it. To bring a little light into someone else’s day. I love that quality, don’t you?!

Here’s a silly little poem I wrote about being joyful…

I am Joyful
I am joyful when everything goes my way

But can I be joyful for a whole entire day?

I am joyful when things seem to be working out

But when the adversary hinders me, do I readily whine and pout?

God knows the things I’m fearful of; He knows the things I dream

He knows my true thoughts, my exact self…He knows what blessings to bring!

It’s great to be joyful – and it’s gracious gift to just be you

After all, who can be happy during the day, if they’re sad, weary, and blue?

I’m usually the lady in the grocery store or box-warehouse pushing the buggy with the broken, squeaky wheel. Maybe you’re familiar with that sensation?

This morning I went into a big hardware store to pick up a few supplies for work. I hesitated as to which buggy to choose. It was intuitive. I don’t just grab ANY random cart anymore. Put some effort into it, girl!  I thought, “No, I was going to reach for the one of the left. But I’m going to be sharp and grab the one on the right. Victory will be mine! No squeaky wheels!” I felt confident as I passed through the large double doors. I just knew I had achieved a small triumph within my small day. After all, it was a glossy, clean, buggy. It certainly looked like it was in good shape compared to its crowded neighbors.

I was wrong. Boy, was I wrong! I hadn’t walked 3 feet before the buggy began screeching, squawking, and spinning in all directions. I froze. Tested it again. It seemed to be shouting, “Look at me! Look at me! Look at this nincompoop who thought she could fool the buggy universe!”

What’s a lady to do? I hunkered my pride down and proceeded with the search of V-6 batteries (whatever that is). I was determined not to let this “buggy” put me into a negative mindset.

As I rounded my 2nd isle, looking for the elusive batteries (Side Note: who knew they wouldn’t be located within the battery section, but in the lighting section?) I noticed a strange man approaching me. I tried to avoid approaching him directly – I scooted to the side as best I could. He proceeded to touch his buggy to MY buggy! This is certainly not buggy etiquette. Not to me, at least. My lady proprietress was being tested.

I guess he saw my awkward facial expression. In a very kind voice, he says, “Ma’am, if that buggy gets any louder, they’re going to make you leave. I was trying to bring you a new one.”

Hahaha! He was an employee! That struck me as hilarious. What could have and should have been a nuisance, really brought a bit of joy into my day. The employee certainly offered a bit of light into my small struggle as well. I accepted his kind gift.

I watched as his co-workers hackled him all the way back to the paint section.

Random acts of kindness. A demonstration of compassion. An unexpected compliment. An anonymous gesture of love. Something for fun. Trying to be a light to others. Those are noteworthy blessings!

Make a choice to be joyful – really full of joy!

Look UP my friends!

Monday, August 19, 2013

What's On Your Mind?

Dig deep. Analyze your thoughts for a moment. Do you really believe that our Heavenly Father is worried about the things you and I worry about? I’m not asking if God cares about what you care about. I’m not asking if He wants you to live or not live a happy life. I’m not asking if you believe that He cares for His children. I’m asking if you believe that our Heavenly Father worries about what you and I worry about.  It leads to the million dollar question: If HE isn't worried about it, why should we worry about it? The Scriptures teach us in 1 Peter 5:7, "Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you." But it’s not always so easy to get ourselves out of our own thinking, is it?!

Have you ever noticed how our minds can motivate or defeat almost every action throughout the day? Instead of looking at the problems in our lives (sin, health concerns, financial struggles, heartaches, sickness, pressures, hurts,) let's begin looking at the solutions (love, forgiveness, blessings, healings, deliverance, redemption) which are found in Christ Jesus!

What is really on your mind? What kind of things have been occupying your thoughts the last week or two? Let me ask you this... if you could take catalogue of the thoughts you've been thinking over the past few weeks, what kind of thoughts were they? Be honest with yourself. Were they mostly negative, self-defeating, self-blaming, finger pointing in nature, perhaps focused on problems and cares of this world?
About a hundred years ago or more, a man looked at the morning newspaper, much to his surprise and horror, read his name in the obituary column! The newspapers had reported the death of the wrong person by mistake. His first response was shock. Am I really still here? This doesn’t look like heaven? Where is God? His thoughts spiraled in confusion. What’s going on here, he asked himself?! When he regained his composure, his second thought was to find out what people had said about him. The obituary read, “Dynamite King Dies.” And also “He was the merchant of death.”  
This man was the inventor of dynamite and when he read the words “merchant of death,” he thought to himself a specific question, “Is this how I am going to be remembered? Is this all I’ve really done?”  He got in touch with his feelings, digging deep as we say, and he began to refocus his thoughts. He sought God’s help daily. He began to realize that he had not invested his focus and mental efforts like he really wanted. Multiple times per day he sought God’s will for his life. He later said it was the “Olympics of my mind,” to refocus his thoughts. Every day he made a specific goal and every day he pushed aside negative thinking, naysayers, and Debbie-downers. The man learned that by THINKING in the right way, he was able to accomplish great things within his personal life. He accomplished great things for others too. Impossible things!

 From that day on, he started working toward peace. That was it…peace. Simple, right? Peace.

 His name was Alfred Nobel and he is remembered today by the great Nobel Prize.

Just as Alfred Nobel got in touch with his heart and his thoughts, we should step back, turn to God, and do the same.

Colossians 3:2, "Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth."  To set your affection on something in the Greek means to exercise the mind. Let your mental Olympics begin! For every negative and damaging thought – quote a Scripture. For every bad thought – say a Bible promise. You get the idea. It won’t be easy, but it will be worth it!

I would like to inspire you to a ‘new way’ of thinking -- stop thinking about and looking at the glitches in your life, and begin looking at the solutions that God has provided for you as His child! Start re-training your thoughts today. If it's a healing you need, then begin to research the scriptures to learn what God's Word has to say about healing. If it's finances you need, then begin to research the Word and see what it has to say about your finances and God's provision for you. Bitterness? Seek verses on forgiveness and overcoming.

Let’s get our minds off the problem, and more focused on Him!

Look UP my friends!

Your mind is a garden…Your thoughts are the seeds.

You can grow flowers…Or you can grow weeds!

Friday, August 9, 2013

Blue Birds, Sparrows, & Starbucks

"Said the robin to the sparrow, 'I should really like to know why these anxious human beings rush about and worry so.? Said the sparrow to the robin, 'Friend, I think that it must be that they have no Heavenly Father such as cares for you and me.”  Quite profound if you think about it! I love that quote.
One recent occasion, while sitting on a family member’s porch, I saw a father blue bird, a house finch, feed all four or five of his babies, not missing any one of them. We really enjoyed watching him fly from tree to nest, and then back again from nest to tree. Over and over. He didn't necessarily go in the same order, but everybody ate. Her kids kept track of the egg hatching and the baby birds’ growth, as did their mother, and without fail, every single one of those five babies were fed on each food-trip by the father bird. It wouldn’t take long, and about forty or fifty mouthfuls would be consumed in short order! Baby birds are hungry!  The family thought, "Now where did this really come from?" There's no way he could have had as much as five mouthfuls in his beak. They figured out that he was regurgitating, which as gross as it sounds to humans, is what many birds do to feed their babies.  Note: this father bird was dedicated to his family. He was an excellent example to his babies and anyone watching his life!
As we sat under the cool breeze of the porch, she and I spoke about who taught father bird to help mama bird feed their kids. How did he know to assist in this process so diligently? Who taught mama and father bird how to make the nest? Who taught them how to weave it together? I couldn't do it in 100 years - build a nest out of straw and sticks and twigs and make it so neatly round and perfectly crafted. Who taught the birds that they had to sit on the eggs and feed the babies when they appeared? Who gave father bird the instinct to provide for his family?  Without a doubt, it was and is our Heavenly Father.  God, Almighty! His eye is on the sparrow, but we also know that He watches us…He cares for His children!
It's a wonderful thing to think about what Jesus said about sparrows.  He watches them, and how much more does He watch over us! It's very reassuring. It's one of the sweet little truths (encouragements!)  that we receive from the Holy Scripture.
Let me share a true story about how God used one of my favorite hymns of all time...You probably know it.

As told by John Thomas Oaks, "It was chilly in Manhattan but warm inside the Starbucks shop on 51st Street and Broadway, just a skip up from Times Square. For a musician, it's the most lucrative Starbucks location in the world, I'm told, and consequently, the tips can be substantial if you play your tunes right."

"He was playing keyboard and singing backup for a friend who also added rhythm with an arsenal of percussion instruments. During an emotional rendition of a popular song, he noticed a lady sitting in one of the lounge chairs across from him. She was swaying to the beat and singing along. After the tune was over, she approached him. "I apologize for singing along on that song. Did it bother you?" she asked.
"No," he replied. "We love it when the audience joins in. Would you like to sing up front on the next selection?" To his delight, she accepted my invitation. "You choose," he said. "What are you in the mood to sing?"
"Well... do you know any hymns?"

Hymns? This woman didn't know who she was dealing with. John Oaks had cut his teeth on hymns. Before he was even born, he was going to church. He gave our guest singer a knowing look. "Name one."

"Oh, I don't know. There are so many good ones. You pick one."
"Okay," he replied. "How about 'His Eye is on the Sparrow'?"
His new friend was silent, her eyes averted. Then she fixed her eyes on mine again and said, "Yeah. Let's do that one.”  She slowly nodded her head, put down her purse, straightened her jacket and faced the center of the shop. With a quick keyboard setup, she began to sing.
Why should I be discouraged?
Why should the shadows come?

The audience of coffee drinkers was transfixed.
I sing because I'm happy;
I sing because I'm free.

For His eye is on the sparrow
And I know He watches me.

When the last note was sung, the crescendo of applause went to a deafening roar. Embarrassed, the woman tried to shout over the people, "Oh, y'all go back to your coffee! I didn't come in here to do a concert! I just came in here to get somethin' to drink, just like you!"

But the ovation continued.  John embraced my new friend. "You, my dear, have made my whole year! That was beautiful!" 
"It's funny that you picked that particular hymn," she said.
"Why is that?"
She hesitated again, "that was my daughter's favorite song." She grabbed his hands. By this time, the applause had subsided and it was business as usual. "She was 16. She died of a brain tumor last week."

John said the first thing that found its way through the silence. "Are you going to be okay?"
She smiled through tear-filled eyes and squeezed his hands. "I'm gonna be okay. I've just got to keep trusting the Lord and singing his songs, and everything's gonna be just fine." She picked up her bag, gave him her card, and then she was gone."

As far as I know, John and the mystery lady never saw each other again...
Be of good cheer, Christian friend...God watches over His children and His sparrows!

Look UP my friends!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Looking Back - Let the Past Go!

Say not thou, What is the cause that the former days were better than these? for thou dost not enquire wisely concerning this ~ Ecclesiastes 7:10 (KJV)
Everyone has something in common – a past! Some things in our pasts are fantastic; yet some bits and pieces may be less than great. I think most people have a regret or two in their life. Those things which are hard to let go of. Our past can be a daunting figure to contend with in our current lives. The adversary (and people) will remind us of lost opportunities, failed relationships, causes of heartache, mistakes we’ve made, money or jobs we lost, family situations gone awry, hurt feelings, injuries we have received, moments of discouragement, disappointments we’ve experienced, injustices we had, and so forth. The list could go on indefinitely. (Life Moment: It is a heartrending reality that usually there is one (or two) folks in our lives who are happy to remind us of past mistakes given any opportunity! If you don’t have anyone in your life who will bring up past bruises and situations, then please recognize how blessed you are! Please pray for those who are routinely reminded of how extraordinarily ordinary as human we are. I have found that many people don’t know how to “buffer” their thoughts. As the saying goes, just because you think it, doesn’t mean you speak it! And wounds remain fresh, because the insensitivity of the tongue scrapes the scab off before it has had time to heal – emotionally speaking.) Perhaps you even know someone who cannot seem to “get over” an event or move on mentally and spiritually in their lives.  Frankly, sometimes our past seems bigger than our future, right? That isn’t true! It simply is not true, my friend.   (I John 1:9 is a great Scripture to read when you’re feeling defeated by the past!)

My first impression of Beth was that she is a smart lady. She’s talented. Sings in a country-western band of some sort. Works in a professional setting. She has 1.5 babies and a nice husband from what she said. (Yes, she’s pregnant and expecting a son in October). She recently told me of her ‘laundry list’ of blessings in life. I had casually asked her, “So tell me what good things God has blessed you with lately?” That’s one subtle way to encourage someone, and it’s also a good way to open a conversation about God – at least it works for me. J I thought her life, as it was, sounded fabulous, minus no mention of the Lord in her life, or church living. (It was beginning to sound like a good time to share my own list of life’s blessings – and in doing so – tell her about my relationship with a sovereign God.) Take note of when doors open to share your own message of the Cross!  (Life Moment: the stories we tell about our own lives are good indicators of events and times we hold closely in our hearts. Have you told any stories about Jesus lately? What do your conversations mostly consist of?  I’m merely asking – it is food for thought).

As the conversation shifted, I began to discern a change in Beth’s attitude. Her voice tone changed. Her body language shifted. She didn’t shed any tears, but I could definitely discern she was angry, or bitter, or heated about something. Or maybe a mixture of all three. I didn’t really know where the conversation was going!

Beth went on to tell me a new laundry list – this one of hurts, mental wounds, estranged relationships and so forth. She told me of a huge argument she’d had with her husband. Another verbal battle with her mom. A house loan that didn’t go through. An epic disagreement with her boss (a conflict of ethics) which resulted in her losing her job. It was a mountain of conflict and injustices that she had recently experienced – and while carrying a baby!? I felt so bad for her…I listened as best I could. Finally, I had an opportunity to ask a few questions – I was trying to offer support in the right way.

The terrible and unfair situations she had told me about?? Happened 4 and 5 years ago!
She wasn’t able to let go. Still carrying around hurts and unresolved pain. AND during a pregnancy. (Heartbreaking!) I’m not judging her – I assure you. It just made me extremely sad…to bring forward a new life in the midst of old rotten, tattered emotional baggage. What a shame. We can all very easily lose focus on what gifts God grants us, particularly in the here and now.

I doubt I gave the best advice, but I encouraged Beth to find a good church family – a church where the Bible and God are the preeminence. I told her that looking back, and STAYING back, is unhealthy! The past is like using your rear view mirror in the car. It's good to glance back and see how far you've come, but if you stare too long you'll miss what's right in front of you. We cannot change the past. But we can learn from it; seek God’s will for our lives and form a future! It is not good to keep asking and revisiting “what might have been.” It’s a situation just waiting for disaster! We must keep our eyes on what is ahead…looking forward. Always try to learn from past mistakes – otherwise, the mistake wasn’t worth it! Living an unhappy life is NOT the life God designed for His children! We must chose happiness sometimes…that happiness comes from God.

My last bit of advice for Beth – something I had actually read on Pinterest® the day before …”To entertain the conversation with life – the one God give us – We must change one key word. Stop asking WHY this happened to me. Start asking why is this happening FOR me?” When we do this, we’re free in Christ!

Look UP my friends!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Running on Empty

Today I was so hungry I could’ve eaten a buttered monkey! Or maybe you’re familiar with the idiom, “Hungry as a horse.” Or, “I could eat the leg off a donkey!” You get the idea…my backbone was gnawing on my stomach bone, as the old saying goes. When I breathed in the aroma of fried (I do live in the south) zucchini and mushrooms, my mouth began to water. I already had my trusty side of ranch dressing to accompany for dipping purposes. (Ranch dressing and ketchup are just fundamentals in dipping sauces, aren’t they?)  I immediately popped a zucchini wedge into my mouth. It burned a little. Served me right, though. I had thoughtlessly eaten my initial bounty without thanking God for His blessing first. It’s always a good idea to say a quick blessing of gratitude prior to partaking of a meal. I felt guilty. Before my next bite, I bowed my head and asked for forgiveness; I thanked God for His provision.
Ya’ see, the thing is, my body was on empty! Literally. In my mind I was about to starve. I had gone too long without food. I was on the verge of getting a headache. I could feel my stomach grumbling. I was getting edgy. I was ready, more than ready, for some food! I may have eaten my napkin if I had waited too much longer – so my mind told me.
How about spiritually speaking? Are you empty on the inside? How long do you go before eating from the Lord’s table? Are you empty in general? Maybe there’s something undefined that is missing in your life…maybe not. But ask yourself, “Am I hungry for God? Do I need to fill up my spiritual fuel tank?’’
Lots of people seem to assume that Christians have everything they need at all times, therefore, they do not experience typical emotions. This isn’t true. Christians face the same emotions, feelings, and conflicts as non-Believers. If you’ve read my blog for any length of time, you’ll recall that I’ve said Christians may actually experience MORE trials, difficulties, and heartaches than the ‘average’ individual. The simple difference is that as Christians, we have Jesus! We have God’s Word for guidance. We have HIM to turn to when we’re getting low – when our tank is close to empty! We understand we’re not to be weary in well doing (Galatians 6:9) but the body and the soul can get tired. I want to encourage you to press on! Keep going for God! He will bless you for your faithfulness. Just because people may not SEE or appreciate what you do or who you are, doesn’t mean that God doesn’t see. He DOES see. John 14:6 tells us that He is “the Way, the Truth, and the Life.”
We have a large Camp Meeting at our church each year – it’s coming up soon. Quite often we hear from ministers, missionaries, and pastors across the south and mid-west that they are blessed by it – not because of our hospitality and good food - but largely because they need refueling! They need God’s food! They need the encouragement and blessing of fellowship. They need to feel and partake in an atmosphere filled with the Spirit of God. Their gas tank needs filling!
And like one could expect, anything that can go wrong, does go wrong the week or two before Camp Meeting! I truly believe it is a direct tool of the adversary – to get our eyes off of the Lord, and onto manmade circumstances!  I encourage you to stay away from the world’s way of dealing with emptiness. Careers, fancy clothes, expensive automobiles, alcohol and pills, popularity, titles, and ‘power’ have no heavenly value whatsoever. Serving on boards and volunteering in various charities serve no true worth if not done through Christ. Our works within ‘self’ will fall short!
For example, I know one person who divides herself among 7 or 8 different committees revolving around charitable organizations. She’s busy at least 3 nights per week with various fund-raising functions. I’m not passing judgment, it isn’t my place, but how could that be pleasing to God? (Reminder: Good works doesn’t equate to eternal rewards.) To miss the house of God on a regular basis to be at a sporting event for troubled youth? The cause is a good one – but causes and organizations should never replace our necessary worship of God. It’s our daily food. We need Him daily. The body needs food daily. Spiritual and physical.
The fact as I see it is that only ONE thing can replace emptiness within anyone. That thing is the love of Jesus. (Any internal chasm is the result of our lack of personal relationship with Him).
 Maybe you’re not a naturally big eater?? I encourage you ‘to snack’ throughout the day – on bits and pieces of God. Through Godly music. Christian blogs. A paragraph or two from the Bible. Fellowship with other Christians. A sermon found online. A daily devotion. Writing out a ‘blessings list.’ God’s food will fill you up like nothing else!
Look UP my friends!

Monday, August 5, 2013

I Was In Boiling Water

I received a massive fright less than 48 hours ago. Truly, I had a split-second vision of hospitalizations, skin grafts, and Diabetic foot ulcers. I was plain ole’ scared! But just for a moment. With that said, sit back for a pause, and let me tell you just how good God is!
Even though supermarkets and grocery stores have made canning almost obsolete and unnecessary, it is a wonderful feeling (and taste!) when preserving food yourself. The results are much tastier and organic. I have a family member who was a prolific canner for several decades - green beans, spaghetti sauce, apple sauce, tomatoes, bread and butter pickles, dill pickles, blackberry jam, sauerkraut, ketchup, grape jelly and everything else you can think of that one would grow in the foothills of the mountains of North Carolina.  I cannot tell you how many gallons of beans, pickles, tomatoes, and corn I helped process for home canning! So, this Saturday I found myself starting the process for strawberry jam and peach preserves.
I did my research before I started – felt good about recalling what I needed to re-learn and what new skills I would glean. For those of you who like to do your own home canning or have your parents or grandparents who “can food” from their summer harvest from a garden, you’ll know what I mean when I say I had my “large 21 quart canning pot” at a FULL rolling boil. Aaahhh – a beautiful site to the home sous-chef!

I needed to pour the water out for sterilization purposes. Off to the sink I went…Where all 21 quarts of liquid lava, in water format, gushed over both of my legs, both feet, and torso in the instant of a second! My left hand had dropped the pot without my even realizing it. I felt the sting and the burn all the way down my body. It was a pain so intense it froze me to the floor. I didn’t step back for fear our little cat would be scalded with 2nd degree burns too. I wondered if my robe had somehow caught on fire?! That’s how much it burned initially. Were my feet scalded to the floor? Those thoughts were running through my mind. After I composed myself (still not moving) I made sure the pot was actually in the sink and not on the ground. My mind was swirling with a hundred thoughts at once. In point of fact I thought to myself, “Well, I’ve ruined the hardwood floors. At least Lola (the cat) is okay. I’ve scorched my rug.  I’ve burnt my flesh off – don’t look at your feet and legs yet. I’ll clean up this mess, and then we’ll go to the hospital.”
I was composed (thank God!). Walked slowly and gingerly over to my husband in the next room. I sedately said, “I’ve scalded myself. I think I need your help for a second.” I didn’t want to overly shock him when he saw the damages! He automatically jumped up and ran to my aide. He sprinted and got 3 big towels from the closet – threw them over the water pooling on the floor. I tried to help clean up with paper towels and more bath towels…he ‘shooed me’ away and lovingly told me he would take care of it; for me to go sit down.

When I finally gathered up the courage to look at my legs and feet – I fully and resignedly knew that I would see peeled flesh and blisters on my skin. In the 10 minutes before I assessed the damage, I had accepted that God would help heal me. I talked with him during the aftermath of it all. I had thanked Him for helping me to remain calm.

I tenderly lifted the hymn of my skirt…to reveal pink but otherwise healthy skin. No red, angry, blistered, or broken wounds! I couldn’t believe it. (I did mention that the water was at a full, rolling boil, right? Water boils at 212° F!) I then walked to the bedroom; changed into a robe to complete a deeper inspection. The nurse within me knew something wasn’t right!

I cannot explain it. All I can say is God’s loving hand of protection covered me! I took two over-the-counter pain meds. I drank extra (cold) water before going to sleep. I applied a layer of balm to my feet and legs with vitamin E oil. That was the extent of my self-determined home remedies. The next morning, there was absolutely NO external appearance of being burned whatsoever! My feet were stiff and tingly, but I could and can walk fine. So no heels for morning church service -- no big deal! I was blessed to be able to even wear shoes! By the evening service, any and all discomfort was entirely gone.

Now, what I didn’t share yet, is that earlier in the afternoon I had very spontaneously purchased first-aid supplies. Mainly to keep on hand for our three active and vivacious Godsons. On a divinely interventional whim, I had added bandages and Vitamin E oil to my basket. (You KNOW there is a reason for everything! God had impressed upon my heart to make that purchase, having no idea I would actually use it on myself).

And here’s the second divine intervention…I had waited until late into the evening on Saturday to do my first attempt at canning. I decided to go ahead and take a shower while the water was heating up in the canning pot. I couldn’t find any lotion anywhere! (For me, that was a big deal. I’m a bit of a lotion, potion, and cosmetic enthusiast!) After I was thoroughly disgruntled, I remembered the vitamin E oil in the first-aid kit! “Better than nothing,” I thought! I had liberally applied the oil to my legs and feet (as brittle Diabetics do….we take excellent care of our feet).

Now, I know scientifically, the Vitamin E oil helped created a slight barrier between me and the boiling water. But I know in GOD’s WAY…He had lined up my purchases, my timing, my lotion or lack thereof, and my protection! He is a mighty GOOD God! He is more than wonderful! His protection is no coincidence, my friends!

One Final Notation:  The rubber on the back of the kitchen rug melted – that tells you how incredibly hot the water was. The hardwood floors and my feet and legs are just great though! Amen! I posted a pic for you to see this real-life miracle. And the damage to my skin where there was NO Vitamin E applied beforehand…it is perfectly healthy too! Miraculous!

What God taught me boils down to this (pun intended)…Be obedient. God uses everything in our lives for a purpose! Boiling water is dangerous. Boiling water without God...lethal!

Look UP my friends!