Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Short List of Quotes/Scripture!

In times of distress and turmoil, I find it necessary to turn to God’s Word and to other sources for encouragement. Well, let’s clarify that. It’s always beneficial and essential to incorporate God’s Word into my/our lives, but as of late, I have REALLY stood in need of motivation. The keep on keepin’ on kind…the don’t question why bad things happen type!

I’m reminded that the flesh continues to be weak, even when we think of ourselves as seasoned Christians! It’s good not to get “too big for your britches,” as the saying goes.

I have compiled a short of list of quotes or Scripture that may possibly change your life! (In times of despair – or in times of peace)

People aren’t against you; they are for themselves.

You learn more from failure than from success. Don’t let it stop you!

Go where you’re celebrated. Not where you’re tolerated.

The person that you will spend the most time with in life is yourself.

I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me (Philippians 4:13 KJV)

Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid (Matthew 5:14)

Cast thy burden upon the LORD, and he stall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved. (Psalm 55:22)

Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God (Isaiah 41:10)

Casting all your care upon him, for he careth for you (! Peter 5:7)

May you rest well tonight and/or today…Be reminded of these quotes/Scriptures during your journey!

Let’s look UP


Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Treated Like a Dog!

King James Bible: Psalm 18:2
The LORD is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower.

My step-dad used to jokingly (or maybe not so jokingly) say that if there was such a thing as reincarnation, he wanted to come back as one of my grandmother’s dogs. Meaning, her dogs had a great life…amazing food, regular deluxe baths, the most comfortable part of the sofa, extra treats, various toys, an unlimited supply of love and affection, no expense spared to meet any need for her ‘babies!’ For all intrinsic purposes, anyone that knew my grandmother, knew her dogs were numero uno! Once she had a large beautiful dog, half -husky and half-saint Bernard, named King. My step-dad said it was the most appropriate name for ALL of her dogs. “They certainly enjoyed a king’s life,” he’d quip.

So, to say that you’re being or have been treated like a dog, in some instances could be a wonderful thing. But let’s look at the other side…

I greatly dislike those SPCA commercials of the wounded and a mistreated animals. I usually turn the channel if I can. Not because, I’m not stirred by the images on the screen, but because it sickens my stomach. It stimulates my compassion. (My hubby says I’m the type of person who would live or own a zoo if possible. Remember that movie that came out a few years back, “We Bought a Zoo” with Matt Daemon? Well, you get the idea…) It’s heartbreaking to see how human beings can be so cruel and thoughtless to a lesser, innocent animal. I remember several years ago, in a town next to mine, a lady found 2 kittens nailed to a box outside of a grocery store. The poor things had been “crucified” in the way they had been positioned on the board –their little paws each pulled far apart and maliciously nailed. Who would do that?!! The police never caught the perpetrators, but felt like it was a group of teens. (Even sadder to me)

So WHY DO people intentionally hurt you?  What gain do people get from it?

Ever worked or lived with anyone who had a horrid bark? Not just a harsh bark but an even nastier bite? Why DO we turn on each other, often biting the one who has loved and cared for us?! You’ve probably seen or experienced people “within the church” guilty of this same behavior. WHY do they abuse authority, position, or titles?

My short answer…Selfishness and Ego.

Here are a few tips for when the ATTACK dogs
Are on the loose in your life!

·         Don’t try to control them when they’re out of their cage! This means you can’t rationalize with an irrational person. If it’s appropriate, use animal behaviors, and don’t confront them with eye contact. Remain calm. It emblazons the attacker more often than not when we defend ourselves.

·         Remember that one’s sense of entitlement doesn’t make being mean-spirited okay. I used to have a boss who constantly (or regularly at least) said demeaning things about female leadership. I didn’t understand it for a long time, until I understood that he must have been insecure within himself. He spent a lot of time going “up and down the block” intimidating and bullying the rest of us. Did it make him happier? Probably not. Nicer? No.

·         Understand that you can’t fix people! Only God can do that. We can pray. We can control our own reactions. We can bite our tongues, figuratively. We can TRAIN ourselves through God’s Word. Don’t try to TRAIN a dog in attack mode…it doesn’t work. They have to be willing and calm first. It remains true that wild animals attack other smaller or weaker animals. They seek to devour. Purpose in your heart to let God fight your battle. He’s NEVER lost a battle, so I put a lot of confidence in His track record!

·         Some dogs attack out of anger and/or a thirst to dominate. They may lash out at you, but they’re really mad at the world. At themselves. They want to control SOMETHING in their lives. Offer soothing words, a turned cheek of forgiveness, but I wouldn’t encourage you to try and solve their issues. The truth is, at this point, most attack dogs are driven by their ego.

·         Grab the pepper spray! Go for the shock collar!! Okay, just kidding here. No need to carry a big stick, at least most of the time. But the Word of God is our weapon. HE promised to be our shield! (Psalm 18:2)

·         Keep telling yourself, “God will equip me with the strength I need to deal with this situation.”  Or this person. Or this event. Remind yourself that no enemy formed against you will prosper! They may win the battle, but not the war! (Isaiah 54:17)

·         Then finally, when attack dogs/people come barking and biting…Don’t go back to try and shut the gate!  Keep walking…walk away before you’re hurt further! You’re walking into enemy territory. Start praising God for His blessings, His purpose in your life, His love for you, His dying on the Cross for you, His continued protection. Force OUT the barking and let IN the peace of God. It can be challenging! I understand this all too well. But, in your car, in your cubicle, in your mind, in your office, as soon as possible – ask Him not to allow you to fall into a trap. Hold back your own tendency to lash back. (We’re human!) Play some heavenly, Godly music. Write some notes in your journal. Pray to God. Do things that will mentally pepper-spray that old adversary’s mouth shut! Don’t try to fix it yourself.

Look for those “Beware of Dog!” signs! They might help you avoid being bitten.

Let’s do look UP!

Passing of a Parent/Relationship

Ecclesiastes 12:7 (KJV) Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it

Yesterday marked the one year “anniversary” of the passing of my mom. I don’t particularly care for the word anniversary because I, like most of us, think of a celebration or joyous occasion within the context of the word. In this case, it’s not a joyful familiarity from which I speak.

It’s been said that a person isn’t ready to live unless they’re ready to die. That’s a deep sentiment. It would be also be a profound understatement to say that our mothers play an important role in our lives. I have come to the conclusion, that outside of God, it could possibly be single most important relationship we experience…whether it’s the good, the bad, or the ugly part of life.

Life Lesson: It’s okay to grieve the loss of a parent. (Or the loss of a relationship) No matter who you are. No matter what your experience is/was. I would encourage you to “own” your emotions, and turn to the Lord to help you during the dark hours. It’s easier said than done… I have learned this from first-hand experience.

Things to Remember

1)    You are NOT alone. God sees your tears. He hears the outpouring of your heart. Talk with Him just like you would your BFF or your beloved spouse.

2)    Acceptance comes in stages. Some of us move through the stages of grief quickly and others may be challenged for years. Some people carry un-vocalized pain and grief like one would carry an umbrella during a hurricane. (Let that mental image permeate your thoughts)

3)    Know your purpose, so that your pain doesn’t overcome you. This can be confusing for many people during the process of sorrow. But, rest assured, as a Christian, you DO have a purpose!

4)    Try not to isolate yourself. God designed us to give love and to receive love. There is NO other love like the love of God in our lives. It is during our deepest time of sorrow that this love can permeate our brokenness.

5)    Acknowledge the loss! It doesn’t mean you’re weak. I've heard divorce described as a type of death, haven't you? It takes a strong God to help us during our weakest hours!

I read a quote recently that stated, “God pours life into death and death into life without a drop being spilled.” Oh, how I’m looking forward to seeing my Redeemer one day – in a land where we will never grow old! A heavenly land where the sting of death has been eternally removed. The song I copied below has brought me cheer on cloudy days…may it do the same for you!

Sweet By and By Lyrics
There's a land that is fairer than day,
And by faith we can see it afar;
For the Father waits over the way
To prepare us a dwelling place there.

In the sweet in the sweet
By and by by and by,
We shall meet on that beautiful shore;
In the sweet in the sweet
By and by by and by
We shall meet on that beautiful shore.

We shall sing on that beautiful shore
The melodious songs of the blest,
And our spirits shall sorrow no more
Not a sigh for the blessing of rest.

Let’s look UP friends!

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Keep Going!

Ephesians 6:10-20 (KJV)  - Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.

I have found that computers, cameras, cell phones, microwaves, and other items of daily use are all just a little bit different. For me at least, it takes a minute (or several) to adjust and figure out the basic components. It seems by the time I really excel at using certain features, it’s time for an upgrade, or the equipment breaks down. Maybe you’re someone who transitioned, as I did, from the Blackberry® to the iPhone®…or maybe it was to a Droid ® to the iPhone 4? I can’t really recall, so you KNOW I was in a state of anxiety. I was definitely in a foreign land and had several struggles along the way. After all, where would I be without texting and Facebook capabilities?! J

I’m using a computer unfamiliar to me for today’s post. My hands and fingers feel arthritic and disjointed as I use this keyboard. I feel awkward. This new, more sluggish process is out of my comfort zone. At one time, I could easily type 65 words per minute – error free! Barely knew where the backspace button even was for many years!

Yet, I’m making a lot of keystroke errors. I’m looking down at the keys a lot…yes, the letter R is in the same designated place as it is on all keyboards. The hand-positioning letters of G and H are in their customary central locations. Yet, I continue to mess up – making mistakes – as I go. What does one do?

 I press on! Though my hands feel like they’re in quagmire, I continue.  As we/you do, weary Christian…even though we make mistakes. We mess up. We get discouraged. We experience pain. Disappointment. Isn’t it wonderful that our heavenly Father forgives us? Isn’t it profound that He chooses to NOT REMEMBER our sins and shortcomings once they’ve been atoned for through Christ Jesus?

Here are a few tips to help you keep going…

·        Don’t allow someone else’s label of you to hold you back. I have painfully and thoroughly learned that people will believe what’s easy, not what is necessarily accurate or fairly stated. You may remember that old aphorism your grandma or mother might have said, “People will believe a lie easier than they will the truth.” Sad, huh? But unfortunately, often true. Let’s try not to be like that!

·        Don’t allow old wounds to fester. Address them with the individual to make peace, if at all possible. Then ask God to give the spiritual medication needed for healing. Healing starts on the INSIDE! Never forget that we ALL have made and will make mistakes!

·        Don’t pick up other people’s bad habits. If you‘re lending an ear to someone’s gossip, sarcasm, masked insults, and general complaints about other folks…umm, you might reconsider. There’s a chance they also speak unfairly and unkindly about YOU on occasion too!

·        Because your experience is different, because your life is different, because you’re different in certain phases of life, or because your circumstance is different – doesn’t mean that the SAME God in heaven loves you less! Different isn’t necessarily a negative. Start speaking good things – God’s promises – in to your life. Even if you don’t believe it wholeheartedly. Things such as, “I am loved by God. Jesus died for ME. I am victorious through Christ! God is and has blessed me!”

·        Then last but not least, just keep trying! What things seem awkward and unfamiliar at first, will become second nature. (Even the keyboard of this computer is feeling a little less bizarre in a short amount of time!) Keep the faith, dear friend! You are not alone…God is with you during times of awkwardness and discomfort.

Remember…God isn’t caught off guard. He’s aware of what’s going on in your life. Someone else’s gracelessness does NOT take away from HIS matchless grace!


Let’s continue to Look UP!

Saturday, May 9, 2015

10 Small Things!

Psalm 107:15 (KJV)    “Oh that man would praise the Lord for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men!”

I’m a firm believer that small things matter. That small things really develop our true appreciation for heavenly blessings. Small things foster inner, deep-down, bone level joy and happiness. They’re the things that ground us in our relationships, and our relationship with God, if we learn to notice them, that is!

Here’s my short list of 10 small things that I’m especially grateful for today…at any given time our lists may expand, shorten, lengthen, evolve, and deepen.

  *   Pulling into my driveway – especially after a long day.
  *Being greeted with a hug  - especially from my hubby
  *Being touched in my spirit from a great gospel song – especially when I’m alone in the car and I can “have church” all by myself!
  *Lots of ice for my glass  - especially if I’m enjoying a meal at a restaurant with family or friends. I just like ice!
  * Water – especially hot water for a shower, cooking and washing clothes.
  * Being able to walk to our mailbox – especially blessed when there are no bills, but a sweet note from someone!
  *  Quietness – especially when I’m seeking to hear God’s voice.
  * A beautiful tree – especially if it’s in an unexpected place. Trees are life. They reflect God’s handiwork.
  *The meow from our cats. I understand their language.
   *The word “Beloved.” Especially when I read it in God’s Word.

I hope my list, quickly jotted down, will prompt you to develop your list of 10 small things that matter to you. They’ll ALL be a gift from God; let's praise the Lord for His goodness!

Let’s do look UP!