Wednesday, July 31, 2013

God's Kind of Goodness

Many years ago, Martha Stewart’s tag line, “It’s a good thing,” became known on a world-wide basis. I’ve always liked it. It’s nice to identify and acknowledge good things!

God is good, isn’t He?! That statement alone just makes me happy! Because it is true. He IS good. He IS the giver of all blessings! When God reveals Himself to us, we know that He is good. When life is pleasant and generally going well we’re automatically inclined to think that He is good. Note: Your current status of happiness is not the litmus test to judge God’s goodness. He is sovereign. He is the Holy of holy. He is always good. When things are rocky – when they’re really gloomy and depressing – that is the time to remind yourself of past victories! Times of deliverance. Times of joy. Things He brought you through! It isn’t a time to distance yourself or to question His existence.

What is goodness? Salvation. Salvation and mankind’s ability to go to heaven through the blood of Jesus. It is that goodness that will keep you going! Goodness is to know God personally – as Lord and Savior. Goodness is to experience His love and guidance in our lives. Goodness is knowing that even though the “winds may blow” and the “valleys are hot,” that God won’t forsake you. Goodness is knowing He is with you. Goodness is knowing He forgives you each and every time you ask. Without a grudge! Goodness is being granted peace during life’s storms. It is feeling God wipe away your tears. Goodness is being in a close relationship with Jesus – He is the Christian’s dearest friend.

10 Earthly Things That Are Good:

·         A child’s laugh

·         A hug from a loved one

·         Sunshine

·         Kittens and puppies

·         Ice cream

·         A cold glass of iced tea

·         Receiving an apology

·         Receiving a truth

·         The end of a work day

·         Your favorite dessert

Is God REALLY good? There is no other fitting definition of good but God’s kind of good. HE is the source of everything that is good. But hey, don’t just take my word for it. I encourage you to get to know Him. Go deeper. You’ll see for yourself just how good He truly is!

Look UP my friends!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

A Whistle-Blower for God?

I have very fond memories of ‘Friday night football’ from my high school years. Chilly nights - the kind where you see your breath when you speak. Big crowds. Hotdogs, ice-cold Dr. Pepper® and nachos being sold at the concession stands. Screaming parents and students. The high school marching band. Aaahhh…the thrill and excitement was palpable! Even though I was one of the cheerleaders for our team (Go Vikings!) I didn’t know much about football then – I don’t know much about it now either. (Don’t judge me! I had plenty of spirit! Haha)

I did notice one thing, and it stuck with me. The referees received a lot of attention. Mostly negative. Mostly from angry teammates, students, and especially parents. I recall one incident where a dad fell OUT of the bleachers because he was yelling so hard in support for his son, who was playing on the field. He fell hard - about 7 or 8 feet. Jumped up and started yelling again. He didn’t miss a beat. Now that is devotion! I'm pretty sure he was in pain the next few days. (Notice I didn’t say he was so thoroughly engaged at shouting AT the referee that he fell out of the bleachers. I said he was yelling in support of his son. That was a nice and subtle spin, huh? Be careful with words. Words have power!)
In those days the ref made a lot of judgment calls. There was no instant replay. No looking at television footage. I suppose that’s what referees still do. They are, in essence, paid to pass judgment at sports events. Certain actions require a 3rd person intervention. (Or do they?) I know I’m stretching a bit here, but I do have a connection. I don’t feel it is too much of a stretch to say that we who follow our Lord, the ‘true North’ Christians, are the referees of society who need to blow the whistle! We need to blow the whistle so that society – our family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers will know the message of the Cross. That the battle isn’t over! Our voices will not be silenced. God will always have His people stirred and doing the work for His kingdom! Is that not part of being “salt” and “light?” Let's be whistle blowers! In a Christ-honoring way.
 We definitely have a referee-filled society today, don’t we? Where someone wants to tell you THEIR opinions. Their thoughts. Make assumptions without seeking clarification. They’ll blow their whistle very loudly! Jack Welch said, "It will drown you out. Their whistles tell us what we should do and how to do it. We cannot step on someone’s toes for fear of permanent damage to the relationship." We live in a culture that does those kinds of things daily. It’s so easy to pass judgment! Oh, be careful, my friend!  I know from personal experience it can be HARD to look at the other person’s perspective, but it is necessary for a healthy conscience. When Christ Jesus said “Judge not that you be not judged” in Matthew, He was saying that we are not to condemn someone. He reserves that role in His omnipotent and final jurisdiction - for He is the final Judge. Alpha. Omega. Holy One. He alone judges eternal value for everyone and everything.
I think Dr. Graham said it well... "Most of society’s spoken attitude is that almost anything goes and is acceptable, so much so that almost everyone is afraid to call anyone’s hand on anything." (and he said that decades ago!) You’ve heard this phrase, right? Come as you are! “A church for people who don’t like church.”  My, my, my…how sad! Be cautious my friend! Don’t get trapped into religiosity and “good works.” (You understand that the Christian needs to “blow their whistle” in the right way, and with the right heart) But we as Christians, as the body of Believers, are supposed to be the “one true North.”  Among other characteristics, we are supposed to be the truth tellers and moral compasses to the unbelieving and skeptical world. A compass is reliable. It points the way home. It tells you where you are and what direction to take, in a manner of speaking! We are to be great, reliable compasses! Faithful whistle-blowers! We don't just represent our favorite team. A much beloved athlete. We represent the King of Kings! The LORD of Lords!

Questions: What direction is your compass? Are you pointing others in the right direction even at awkward times? Are you leading others toward your heavenly home?

Look UP my friends!

Monday, July 29, 2013

When He Knocks

Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and make our abode with him -- John 14:23
Our dog barks like a maniac when the doorbell rings or when someone knocks on our door. She is a wonderful watch dog, as most German Shepherds are. I recognize her various communicational barks – she has a playful bark, a hungry for treats bark, a stranger alert bark, and so forth.  She automatically barks and growls every single time there is a knock at the door. She’s never slept through a knock on the door. She’s never acted lackadaisical in her response either. Our poor UPS man has trepidations to come onto our front porch, and I can’t say that I blame him. Her response is intuitive. It is automatic. She responds accordingly – she’s like clockwork.
What about us? What about you? Do we automatically, without hesitation, respond to God’s knock when He comes calling? Sometimes His instruction is soft and subtle. Sometimes He “knocks us on the head” and says, “Hello…Are you listening?” Or, on occasion, He might say, “Peace. Be Still.” But, my point is…God will speak to His children. We must listen and respond accordingly!
One time I came across the same person three different times in the same week. Different times of day. Different locations. All unexpected occurrences.  I hadn’t seen her for about a year. And then suddenly we kept crossing paths. There is a bit of an awkward job history involved, so I wasn’t sure what to do on the THIRD time. I knew God was exposing me to this situation for a reason, but it was unknown to me.  
I didn’t know what to say. I just opened up with, “I know this may be a bit awkward, but since we keep bumping into each other this week, I felt like I needed to say hello.” She was cordial. At first, a bit standoff-ish.  Sadly, she started crying almost immediately. In spite of our professional differences, she asked me to pray for her son who was extremely ill at the time. She told me the story of her illness and her inability to share her burdens and worries at work, so she was appreciative for someone to talk to. At the end, I asked her if she would mind if we prayed together. She skittishly agreed. So right there beside the laundry detergent and fabric softeners, in the middle of a big box store, we clasped hands, and I lead us in prayer. I’m not exaggerating when I tell you that I almost couldn’t hear myself, because her sobs and tears were so loud. (I wasn’t embarrassed though. We can pray anywhere. At any time!) She truly needed the outlet! She needed to know God cares! She needed a good cry. (I know it wasn’t the power within ME whatsoever. It was the power of GOD speaking to her heart).
I don’t know what happened to her son. I haven’t bumped into her since that particular week, well over a year ago. But I know God was knocking at her heart’s door. He was knocking on mine too.
Don’t miss the sound of His voice! Take note of His subtleties! If He knocks, OPEN the door.
Look UP my friends!

Friday, July 26, 2013

A Virtuous Laugh!

It is good, probably great, to laugh a little every day! Especially during hard days or a difficult situation when we least feel like it. I believe the people at our church know that it is okay to smile and laugh on occasion! I hope your church family does too.  (Life Moment: It’s a blessing to be around someone with a happy spirit – a joyful countenance).  I hope your church family appreciates a virtuous laugh too. {Mindful that we’re not laughing AT someone, but with someone. I’m not referring to poking fun at Bible theology or mockery of any kind.} The Scriptures (Proverbs 17) teaches us that “a merry heart doeth good like a medicine!”

 A good sense of humor is a lovely quality for someone to share! A smile and a chuckle can brighten someone’s day. Let’s be contagious with our ‘heavenly glow!’

One of the church duties that God allows me to do is writing and printing our church bulletin. I love doing it. I always feel a sense of accomplishment and have a happy heart when I see the crisply folded papers, neatly stacked for members and guest to pick up on their way into the sanctuary. I know it sounds silly, but I take additional time to do “pronounced 90-degree angle folding” of the bulletin, because it’s God’s work. No sloppy stuff for God’s house! He deserves the best! Even tiny details like good ink, neat copies, and orderly filing.

So with that said, I found some very funny church bulletin bloopers. (And let me say I will certainly do more thorough proof-reading when I’m done in future bulletins!) I hope you’ll find a chuckle with what I found during my online research below…

Church Bulletin Bloopers

Bertha Belch, a missionary from Africa, will be speaking tonight at Calvary Methodist. Come hear Bertha Belch all the way from Africa.

On a church bulletin during the minister’s illness: GOD IS GOOD; Dr. Hargreaves is better.

Applications are now being accepted for 2 year-old nursery workers.

The pastor will preach his farewell message, after which the choir will sing, “Break Forth Into Joy.”

If you would like to make a donation, fill out a form, enclose a check, and drip in the collection basket.

Next Sunday Mrs. Vinson will be soloist for the morning service. The pastor will then speak on “It’s a Terrible Experience.”

Don’t miss this Saturday’s exhibit by Christian Martian Arts.

We are grateful for the help of those who cleaned up the grounds around the church building and the rector.

A worm welcome to all who have come today.

During the absence of our pastor, we enjoyed the rare privilege of hearing a good sermon when J.F. Stubbs supplied our pulpit.

Irving Benson and Jessie Carter were married on October 24 in the church. So ends a friendship that began in their school days.

The ushers will come forward and take our ties and offerings.

The rosebud on the altar this morning is to announce the birth of David Alan Belzer, the sin of Reverend and Mrs. Julius Belzer.

The eighth-graders will be presenting Shakespeare’s Hamlet in the church basement on Friday at 7 p.m. The congregation is invited to attend this tragedy.

Don’t let worry kill you off – let the church help.

Enjoy and share these “bloopers” with someone who could use a healthy laugh!

Look UP my friends!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Why Do We Need to Pray?

It could be easily said that I’m not always the ‘brightest tool in the shed,’ but when God nudges me in subtle ways, I try and need to pay attention. (When He speaks to you, take note my friend! Listen up!)
My thoughts over the last two days have been about prayer – and the purpose in the prayer of the Christian. This week I’ve been asked the same question by two different people, in two very different situations. The question…”IF GOD ALREADY KNOWS ABOUT IT, WHY DO WE NEED TO PRAY ABOUT IT?”
That’s a great question. I’d first like to start off by asking (a time of self-reflection) as children of God, why do we wait until right before we go to bed to pray to God? To connect with Him? If you’re like me, you’ll often be in the middle of prayer time and you’ll fall asleep, or your mind will drift off to other matters. Not good! My point -- Let’s not wait to pray. Speak now!
I know it sounds impossible to the non-Believer, but our lives are more joyful and peaceful when we keep the connection going all through the day and night! It is what the Apostle Paul teaches us in I Thessalonians, chapter 5. The Scripture tells us to “pray without ceasing.”
Secondly, as one pastor said, "It is important to really understand that prayer is NOT an instrument or technique for getting what we want. It is not a tool to be used for selfish gain or desires through a Holy and righteous God."  Prayer is communication. It is conversation with our Heavenly Father on a daily basis – hopefully multiple times per day. You’re right. He already knows the desires of our heart. He knows our dreams and our hurts. But prayer offers an opportunity to enter into His presence. It is an opportunity to simply converse with our Heavenly Father!
When we pray we’re opening our hearts and our minds to God. Allow me to re-state, we enter into HIS presence when we humbly bow and invest in this conversation of praise and thankfulness.
And finally, I think it Max Lucado who said, "When we pray it is an opportunity to set aside our ego and any self-centeredness." (It’s not unusual to think our problems are big problems; maybe the biggest on the planet at given times!)  "It is important to focus our thoughts and hearts on what we should desire.  God meets our needs. He promises this. Needs and wants are totally different." Yet, He wants us to express what we are feeling and to express our dependency upon Him.
So, pray when you don’t need anything. Pray to say, “Thank you, Father!”  Pray if you do have a need. (God SHALL supply all our needs according to His riches in glory! Philippians 4:19) Pray if you’re sad or downhearted about a situation. Pray if you’re happy and excited about a circumstance. Pray if you’re concerned and grieved over something. Just pray! Talk with HIM. It’s never a wasted effort. God knows you better than YOU know you.
By the way, He loves the sound of your voice. Amazing, huh?
Look UP my friends!
A Simple Prayer ~~ Heavenly Father, Thank you for hearing me; for listening to my thoughts and my heart. Thank you for sending your only Son to die for me. I know Your ways are not my ways. Your thoughts are higher than mine. I just want to thank you for knowing the sound of my voice. Help me to hear Yours every day. I desire to commune with You throughout the day and night. Thank you for supplying ALL my needs. In the precious name of Jesus I pray, Amen.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

9 Life Changing Short Stories

I very rarely post work written by other people, but I could not help but share the following short stories shared on the Make Me Think online community. There are many more postings, all noteworthy and relatable, but these in-particular captured what I wanted to share today, about "today." The essence of time. How important and elusive it can be. But God has given us NOW, today!      T-O-D-A-Y. Take a moment...really enjoy and absorb the 9 short stories below.

Today, after a 72 hour shift at the fire station, a woman ran up to me at the grocery store and gave me a hug.  When I tensed up, she realized I didn’t recognize her.  She let go with tears of joy in her eyes and the most sincere smile and said, “On 9-11-2001, you carried me out of the World Trade Center.” 
Today, my mom is a healthy 54 year old who successfully owns and operates a popular bakery downtown – a goal she had all her life.  15 years ago she was diagnosed with cancer.  In the face of death, she quit her store clerk job, opened the bakery, started chemo therapy, and succeeded on all fronts. 
Today, after I watched my dog get run over by a car, I sat on the side of the road holding him and crying.  And just before he died, he licked the tears off my face. 
Today, as a young ‘up and coming’ lawyer, everyone in the firm was congratulating me for winning my first big case this morning.  And all day long all I could think about is how I used a technicality in the law to help a murderer walk away a free man. 
Today, on our 50th wedding anniversary, she smiled at me and said, “I only wish I had met you sooner.” 
Today, after 2 years of separation, my ex-wife and I resolved our differences and met for dinner.  We laughed and chatted for almost 4 hours.  Then just before she left, she handed me a large envelope.  In it were 20 love letters she wrote me over the last 2 years.  There was a post-it note on the envelope that said, “Letters I was too stubborn to send.” 
Today, when I slipped on the wet tile floor a boy in a wheelchair caught me before I slammed my head on the ground.  He said, “Believe it or not, that’s almost exactly how I injured my back 3 years ago.” 
Today, someone else’s tragedy provided the miracle my family had prayed for.  Thanks to this stranger, my dad will have a heart.  It’s so odd to think that an accidental death just saved his life. 
Today, I was the maid of honor in her wedding.  Four years ago she was declared cancer free.  Eight years ago, during our senior year of college, she was diagnosed with breast cancer and told she had eighteen months to live. 

Wow! Today is VERY important, isn’t it? I hope I've given you something deeper to think about.  How precious today is! What a gift we’ve been given – this gift of time. Time is so important – the Apostle Paul taught us not to make GOOD use of time, but to make the BEST use of our time. James reminded us that our life is little more than a vapor. Simply stated, life is short!

I’ll say it again…Be careful who and what you invest your time in. You only have ONE today. Redeem the time!

Look UP my friends!

Friday, July 19, 2013

What Could You Be Stressed About?

Stress! A weighty topic familiar to most of us. In fact, sometimes I think it is a common denominator among people. There are tons of “Stress Management” books and stress-reduction books out on the market – many written by top professionals. Did you know that Amazon has more than 30,000 books available to help you deal with s-t-r-e-s-s according to research? I admit that I have read an article and/or book or two on the subject – particularly what effect stress has on the body. The aphorism “stress will kill you,” definitely rings true.

 I’ve taught classes on peer pressure, stress management, and living a victorious Christian life. I can guide you to what Scriptures we’re supposed to confess and lean to when stress rears its ugly head at our door. I truly get it. Yet, guess what friends? I still get stressed out sometimes. (In fact, this has been a stressful, overly demanding week in more ways than one. I’ve had a few “Calgon! Take me away!” moments). Yet, I know that unlike the Apostle Paul, I haven’t been shipwrecked 3 times or beaten with rods and hit with stones. I haven’t been in prison or unjustly whipped with 39 lashes! Now, he had every reasonable cause to feel stressed! Yet, he was an excellent example to us! He didn’t bellyache and grumble. No complaining. His hope was in the Lord – and he claimed victory even during defeat. God delivered, too!

Surely I am not the only Blood-bought, born again, sinner saved by grace, child of the King, Believer who gets stressed out on occasion? (Not that I’m proud to admit it). Naa...even though the adversary may TRY to make me think that I am alone in this, I know better. (Many of you reach out to me privately in text, Facebook inbox, or an email. Thank you for trusting me to listen and pray about our stressful dynamics together! And thank you for not judging me too harshly when I confess my stressors to you in return).

“What could YOU be stressed about?” is a question I have received. Have you received it too? Don’t even get me started! It’s not healthy to remind the adversary what we’re stressed out about. But, at any given moment, health issues, spiritual burdens, financial dilemmas, family or friends not choosing to live for God, exhaustion, and the list goes on and on. We ALL have personal reasons to experience stress. The key is to not let it go too deep.

One pastor said, "I think it’s important to recognize that we often stress ourselves out far more than an unreasonable boss, an unruly teenager, or someone choosing to treat us unkindly."  Let me say it again...Friend, be mindful if you are stressing yourself out. It can happen. It does happen when we aren’t trusting fully and completely in God. (I get mad with myself for giving more attention to life’s superficial circumstances than I should). Important Life Lesson: When we take our eyes off Jesus, things go downhill quickly! Do not accept chronic stress in place of peace! Make a precise decision to end the vicious cycle of pressure, stress, and constant worry. Never be too insecure or proud to ask for prayer OR to bow on your knees to ask God for assistance!

Here are 5 Tips to Help Relieve Stress:
·         Sing songs of praise – or play uplifting, God-honoring music
·         Show compassion to others around you
·         Meditate and quote your favorite Bible promises
·         Pray to our Heavenly Father – Trusting. Confidently. Unselfishly.
·         Remind yourself that you are never alone. He is with you.

You CAN experience the peace only Jesus can grant! Make an appointment to do one of these things with Him today. You’ll feel better by His grace!
Look UP my friend!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Bark Worse than Bite?

One's bark is worse than one's bite. Prov. Someone makes a lot of harsh-sounding threats but never carries them out. Examples: Don't get upset at anything my father says. His bark is worse than his bite. Jill: Lisa says she's going to sue me for letting my dog dig up her rosebushes. John: Oh, don't pay any attention to her. Her bark is worse than her bite.

 You’ve heard this phrase, yes? I posted those from something I read online. Or maybe you’ve heard the reverse: His bite is worse than his bark!  That’s not good either. We need to be mindful of our conversation, threats, overall speech, accusations, harsh tones, and vocabulary that we use to threaten, intimidate, hurt, or heaven forbid, bully others. Really! The Christian must be mindful of our countenance, even when we’re on the receiving end of cruel speech and actions. Bluntly said, because someone else may be a jerk to you, try not to respond in the same like-jerk manner.  It’s a lot harder to do than it sounds. I have learned this from failed experience; situations I could have handled more effectively. You too, right?

I readily admit, it can be difficult to be a better listener than speaker. Friends, let us take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man's anger does not bring about the honorable life that God desires for us.  Proverbs 16:32 (KJV) He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city. If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, he deceives himself and his religion is worthless. Worthless is a harsh word isn’t it? Who wants to invest in something worthless? Religiosity is dangerous and often worthless!

We must be mindful that the damage from words can linger for years. Perhaps you can relate to this? Do you have a lingering hurt from words received in your childhood? A wounded criticism from a parent? Harmful and destructive comments from a spouse – things said in the heat of the moment? Have you received hateful and cruel verbiage from someone you love – and it left a preverbal scar? I still remember an extremely harsh criticism I received from a high school guidance counselor. I recall the unnecessarily harsh feedback I received on a job one time about being “too nice and a goody-two shoes.” It stung quite a bit.
A friend shared with me (earlier today) some things her family members recently said to her. They really hurt her with their severe, hostile, and extremely negative comments. Particularly statements about our Heavenly Father. Does the offender feel guilty? Unfortunately, many times they do not.
But, I feel confident in two things:

#1) The nursery rhyme "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never harm me," is not true. I fear it is one of the biggest lies that we ever learn. Words can hurt just as much as any physical harm, in fact, the repercussions can last a lifetime.

#2) "The adversary uses our words to foster things we dislike within ourselves," was a profound comment in an article I recently read. It said, "Harsh and cruel words have the power to destroy, break down, and rob us of real strength in our daily lives." Unseen scars – We all have them.

When we speak in harsh tones, coupled with an unforgiving spirit, using language that so easily can hurt, we influence all those around us as to what a Christian is NOT supposed to be. Don't be this kind of example!

In the wise words of Snoopy (the Peanuts Character) ---- “There’s no sense in doing a lot of barking, if you really don’t have anything to say.”

Look UP my friends!


Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Does Broken Last Forever?

It's a little too easy to become anesthetized or insensitive to others' needs, especially in the culture we live in – at least in my neck of the woods. On one hand, society accentuates luxury, power, control, and success and offers plenty of opportunities to insulate ourselves from the hurts or stressors of this world. (Emphasize the word ‘insulate’ in your memory banks!)

We easily become self-focused. (It’s not always a bad thing – there are deadlines to meet, appointments to show up for, and schedules to adhere to, ‘people to see and places to go’ as the old maxim goes). Yet, there is a flip side. The media resources give us a constant stream of images of the impoverished, disenfranchised, wicked, and subjugated.  Racism, politics, murder, felonies, and every crime against humanity is constantly talked about, shared, and seen whether we necessarily want the network’s view or not.  We hear many, many prayer requests in our churches week in and week out. A mid-week prayer meeting alone could render a hundred requests. (God doesn’t miss a single one, Amen!) We see and hear so many calamities that we become desensitized to almost all of them, unless it directly impacts our home or those we love.

Someone asked/reminded me to pray for their cousin today. I ashamedly admit, I gave a standard response, “I sure will. What’s his name again?” Not good! I had prayed about this person’s situation before. It had been a few weeks. It had honestly slipped through the forefront thoughts my mind.  This gentleman lost his pregnant wife and his 3 year old son in a freak boating accident not long ago – approximately 1 month before. The family was in a pontoon boat – enjoying a great relaxing weekend. Unexpectedly, shockingly, and without any time to prepare, they were hit by a speed boat sharing the same quiet lake water. In a fraction of an instant – life changed forever! What a tragedy for this man and his wife’s family.

As the memory of events came back to my mind, my friend said to me, “I don’t know what to say. He’s just broken.” That comment hit me like a ton of bricks. My heart skipped a beat or two. I was overwhelmed with the concept of brokenness, and I also felt guilty for not being a more consistent prayer partner. (Life Moment: When someone asks me to pray, I want to do it wholeheartedly! It mustn’t just be mere words of support to the individual, but a holy petition to our heavenly Father through His son, Jesus! That’s serious communication, whether it be a couple of minutes or an hour!) To feel broken…aaahhhh, what a painful familiarity.

I hope to never be in the state of brokenness in my future, although I’d estimate that every Christian experiences it at some point in their life, all for various reasons. Yet, I do believe God is big enough, merciful enough, strong enough, and loving enough to help us survive it.

In my opinion, a broken person will begin to feel horrible about themselves. We should freely admit that we’re lowly creatures – the Christian, the human being. We’re a lowly creature serving a Holy and High God! It’s right that we need to be humble. It’s also right that we bow low to the One we serve. However, when we’re broken about a situation, this doesn’t mean that it’s wise to hate ourselves or hate the life God has provided. I think it is natural that as we draw closer to Almighty God, we become more aware of how human and how unworthy we really are.  We have mixed intentions and self-centered plans, and most of what we think and do is tainted with impurity. (It’s not a surprise to you or offensive I hope – to acknowledge that mankind is sinful!) Let’s be gently reminded that the world was here a long time before us, God is in control even when we are not, and He will continue this earthly dwelling place a long time after we're gone. God's kingdom isn't hinging on our ability to move in, take over, and save the day.

If you know someone broken or genuinely broken-hearted…Below are 10 Tips!

1)       Listen without interruption

2)     Share their pain, but gently remind them that they are loved by God AND you

3)     Pray together

4)     Encourage them to remain faithful to church – not to isolate themselves from God or people

5)     Encourage – boost their day by extending a hug, a smile, being a friend

6)     Point them to the Cross – try not to offer answers for which there are none

7)     At the right time, share with the person that God repairs broken people, broken spirits. He IS in the restoration business – full time! He is the true Healer. (It doesn’t mean people can be replaced, but it means God can pour out blessings in the future. He will offer grace).

8)     Keep a prayer journal – or remind yourself using your IPhone to pray for people at a future date.

9)     Help them understand that broken doesn’t mean useless - broken isn't forever!
10) Gently remind ~There is no brokenness in Heaven!
So…I encourage you to be more in tune to other burdens and sorrow. Most likely, if you’re open and observant, God will give you an opportunity this very week to be a blessing to the broken hearted!

Look UP my friends!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Lessons From a Hydrangea

It is no secret among friends, that my favorite flower is the Hydrangea. They steal my heart quite happily in just about every circumstance, location, color, or species. I planted two new Hydrangeas this summer. I’m hopeful that the watering, weeding, and loving care I extend to my “two new beauties” will bring to fruition the big purple and azure blue blooms they’re known for. Upon deeper reflection and introspection, I realized that the Hydrangea can teach me a few things. Maybe these lessons I put in writing down will be an encouragement for you too.

·         Grow deep roots where you are planted – even if the ground is rocky
·         Bloom in spite of dampness, gloomy weather, and painful pruning
·         Enjoy your natural, God-given beauty – surround yourself with kindness
·         Be happy that you have many limbs – when one limbs withers or departs this life, others are there for support
·         Receive plenty of Son, sun, and water
·         Enjoy the view of life you have from your spot

Hydrangeas can be grown in individual pots! This teaches me I can be myself too! Standing tall, sometimes alone, as a Christian is okay! A booklet I read stated, "The first year that the hydrangea is growing in a pot, normal watering is required, as you would any potted plant. The second year, the roots should begin growing out the drainage holes and into the ground. Don't move the pot." {Life Lesson: Isn’t that an important tutorial, Christian?! Do not withdraw when opposition and hurt come your way. Ask God to help you stay the course – dig deeper roots! Don’t move too quickly.}  As one might expect, the better the plant becomes rooted into the ground, the less it needs supplemental watering. {The same principle applies to our souls!}
What does it mean to bloom as a Christian? What does it mean to let your Light of Christ shine within you? To receive Son and water? Really – I encourage you to think about it. Take a few minutes.  To me it means to draw in, to cultivate, to invite in, and to live consistently in the Light of the Son, Jesus Christ. A famous minister worded it this was, "To remove myself from internal and external (when possible) opposition, and allow Him to develop me into the person and woman of God fashioned after His own image."  (The sad reality is that some people don’t like joyful souls. They’re joy-robbers! Let’s pray for them. Pray for each other! Be aware of those persons – and shine on! Don’t be embarrassed because you have many blessings and live a good life! Just have the right attitude. {Gentle reminder: Christians don’t usually blend in with the typical “selfish-minded person” – we aren’t supposed to! As Christians we are humble yet beautiful – fragrant – healthy and tall - tender to touch like the Hydrangea}

Enjoying the view! The view is aheadnot behind you! Look forward. If someone (the adversary comes in many forms) keeps reminding you of mistakes, failures, missed opportunities, loss, or shortcomings…remind them that the past is in the past for a reason. You know that God chooses NOT to remember our sin once it is forgiven through the Blood of Jesus. God has blessed your life. He blesses each child uniquely, according to His will. Enjoy every morsel that you can. Make a choice to be happy – a pleasure to be around.

And by all means, look UP to Jesus for your sustenance and strength. Don’t fight your blessings. (Sometimes we’re our own worst enemies). When we give more attention to negative than the positive we stifle the happiness and the work that God is doing within. Let Him lead. You’ve heard it before…but He truly doesn’t need our help to be Omnipotent. He already is.
Nugget of Wisdom: My husband recently told me that it’s a lot harder to fight a losing battle than it is to surrender if pride and selfishness get in the way!

Allow God to plant you, grow you, shine within you, and make you into what HE wants you to be. He will provide the Son, sun, and the rain. Just like the magnificent Hydrangea in full bloom – God wants you to bloom into His vessel of honor.

Look UP my friends!
Isaiah 35:1 (KJV) The wilderness and the solitary place shall be glad for them; and the desert shall rejoice, and blossom as the rose.