Monday, January 21, 2013

Watchwords for a New Year

I’ve had several friends or acquaintances to ask me what my New Year’s resolutions are…I don’t practice resolutions, primarily because I would likely to break them within a few weeks or less. I do, however, like to set goals or specific choices for the New Year! Since we’re still in January, I wanted to share five “Watchwords” (a term I borrowed from Dr. Shelton Smith) that I have set for myself…
1.       Make God the #1 priority – not just through talking and perception – but being conscious about my decisions and choices. {Thou Shalt Have No Other Gods before Me -  Ist Commandment} When we humbly serve HIM first, everything else falls into place.
2.       Keep looking Up! My husband’s favorite scripture is Titus 2:13 “Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ.” Do you have loved ones in heaven? Friends that have gone on to the Holy City that John saw coming down as a bride adorned for her groom? It’s real, you know! What a reunion day! I had the blessing of meeting my biological grandmother one time before she died from cancer complications. I reflect back with great affection to that time we visited on her hospital bed. She asked me if I knew Christ. It brought tears to my eyes, because she had asked me before I could ask her! I had the joy of telling her about my personal relationship with Jesus, and that I would again, meet her in Glory, if not here on this earth. She passed away two days later. I’m so glad she wasn’t too bashful or nervous to ask me about salvation! Seize the moment! You never know when too late will be too late.
3.       Stay focused – {Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy – 4th Commandment} It is so easy to allow ourselves to get off center! To lose focus! It is utterly important that we find ourselves prioritizing our local community church where the true Word of God is preached – not forums, conversations, sharing of ideas, or just teaching – but actually preached. All of us need to surround ourselves and stay consistently involved with a solid, KJV scripturally driven, Biblical church.  If you’re looking for a church home, please feel free to contact me! I am sure of this next point…The more I try to convey His worthiness and greatness, the more my inadequacy is revealed.
4.        Stay away from joy robbers! “Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers, beware of concision,” Phil 3:2. We all know someone who is a “Debbie Downer.” Nothing is right…it’s too hot; it’s too cold; the singing was too long; the preaching was even longer; you can’t do it; you’re not good enough; there’s no point, etc. Avoid those people if possible! I’m not suggesting we treat them with rudeness and insincerity, but rather surround ourselves with people that help us to stay motivated and joyful. We can also sabotage ourselves by getting overly tired, overly burdened with worry, and stressed out. If you find your thoughts spiraling out of control, then try to regroup as quickly as you can. Remember that the evil one actually WANTS us to be joyless and discouraged. Ephesians 5:15 tells us, “See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise.”
5.       Study the Word – “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God, “ John 1:1. It’s possible to read the Bible through in one year, and it doesn’t require an enormous time commitment. Three chapters per day for six days, and five chapters on the seventh day. (I do my five chapters on Fridays verses Sundays, but it’s your choice.)  You can do it too! If you decide to do this in 2013, please send me a message, and we’ll do it together! I assure you that your time will be well rewarded. If you’re new in the faith, I encourage you to start in Psalms or the book of John.
The words of Scripture thrill my soul as nothing else ever can. They bear me aloft or dash me down. They tear me in pieces or build me up. The words of God have more power over me than ever David’s fingers had over his harp strings. Is it not so with you? --- Charles Spurgeon
Look UP my friends!

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