Monday, January 21, 2013

Daily Courage

We need daily courage that will compel us to move onward. I read a powerful article that said, "You may have to go against the advice or nature of our friends, family, luke-warm Christians, or our own bodies sometimes. Courage can inadvertently result in awkward and disappointing moments, so it is often thorny when circumstances seem resistant." The Holy Scripture says, 1 Chronicles 28:20And David said to Solomon his son, Be strong and of good courage, and do it: fear not, nor be dismayed: for the LORD God, even my God, will be with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee, until thou hast finished all the work for the service of the house of the LORD.”

Recently after participating in an exercise class, a beautiful young mother spoke to me about a specific disappointment. She had diligently followed a diet regime that has worked very well for her in the past; one that is a nationally recognized plan which usually delivers good results. However, after 2 weeks of following this program, she increased not decreased in weight. Someone gifted with the genetically enhanced “thin bone” as I call it, may not be able to relate, but I certainly did! I’ve been there…when you work hard, dedicate the time, and sacrifice your wants, only to have lack luster results in the end. Believe me, the evil one will swoop right in and take advantage of this discouraging situation! And quickly! It’s good to be aware that our own minds can mislead us and facilitate us to make wrong choices. I think we can all understand that moment of “Well, just forget it then!”
I admit, my advice may not have been intellectual, but when I saw the frustration and hurt in her eyes, my automatic response in that moment was, “Just keep doing something…just keep doing! Keep going onward.” Sometimes when others or other things tell us to quit….we must keep going onward. Just keep doing! Psalm 56:3-4What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee. In God I will praise his word, in God I have put my trust; I will not fear what flesh can do unto me.” We must remind each other that we can trust Jesus above all else – HE will see us through. Just keep moving onward!

As Christians, we do acknowledge that our beliefs and love for the Savior are often rejected, rebuked, and mocked. I came across a story today (from a neighboring town’s newspaper) about a young man who had been wrongly accused and arrested for a crime he did not commit. His case went to trial; evidence was heard; and thankfully the judge ultimately declared the man “not guilty.” The plaintiff cried out, “Thank you, Jesus!” when he heard the verdict he had been praying for. In response to the young man’s declaration, the pompous judge said, “Thank you, Jesus?! You need to be thanking your lawyer right there! He’s the one who save you!” (Which the gentleman did whisper his gratitude to his attorney as well). That’s where our judicial system is? I beg your pardon? Openly mock a genuine plea of gratitude to our heavenly Father? It took courage for the gentleman NOT to apologize for offending the judge. Let us not be ashamed to be called a Christian! Every bone within me cries out, “Nothing or nobody can save us except the Lord, Christ Jesus!” Are you shocked by this event too? I hope so – we need courage to continue our voice, in the right way, and in the right spirit!

 Do you find it challenging to be your own person when you’re the “odd one out?” In the past, I have been told by “corporate America” that I walk to the beat of my own drum, but it wasn’t a complement. {By the way, aren’t you glad the past is in the past?!} In many cases, standing up for your principles, your sense of integrity and your willingness to reject peer pressure doesn’t make one well received. Isn’t that a paradox? I have talked with dozens upon dozens of people in a variety of workforces over the last several years, and from what I hear regularly, it takes real courage to be your own person, the person God calls you to be at all times. It takes courage to walk in humility, but not be willingly mistreated. Yet, I digress, my thoughts on how to “survive” in the workplace will be in future posts…

Finally, let’s be reminded that God Himself came as one of us to lift us when we fall, heal us when we hurt, give us courage when we’re weak, forgive us when we fail, offer rest for the weary, and last but not least, to fill places within our heart and soul that only God can dwell.

Look UP my friends!


  1. Thank you so much for this...Thank you Jesus for putting these daily messages in my path of rebuilding my spirit... I will not apologize or be ashamed of Jesus Christ and the fact that he saved me.. Forgot about my past and made me a new creature...What a Blessing... God Bless you... Awesome Message..Look forward to the next one...
