Saturday, May 18, 2013

Praise Ye' the Lord

I had a good quality laugh-out-loud moment when I came across the four-legged friend in the picture above. He looks quite intense, doesn’t he?! His stance is tall, hands are high in the air, and his expression appears genuine and passionate. The caption for the picture said, “Thank you, Jesus!” I liked that…When people thank God, we could take a lesson and thank HIM with our entire being! After all, regardless of today’s circumstance, we DO have a lot to be thankful for!
 On a spontaneous note, please allow me to name just a few: the ability to breath, hands that may work, legs that might work, a tongue to taste, eyes that might see, God’s Word – the Bible, ears that may hear, a mind that functions, a heart that beats, a healthy child whom you love, a healthy spouse, your own health, a great church to serve in, gas in the car, having a necessary mode of transportation, a warm bed, food, a roof over your head, a job to go to, a friend, a recent emotional victory, the love from a pet, the ability to attend a God-fearing church (a little redundant, but worth repeating), a Christian home, freedom to worship, and last but not least…SALVATION! (The list could keep going and going. We really do have much to be thankful for don’t we? Perhaps you don’t have everything on my short list – If you’re a Christian, you still have plenty to be thankful for my friend!)
Upon studying the picture of our little squirrel friend, I couldn’t help but be reminded that as a Christian, we should be so bold in our worship and praise! I’m not talking about show-boating and trying to “Amen” the loudest. I’m not referencing “falling out” for attention seeking purposes. I’m talking about unabashed, unashamed, sincere, reverential, heart-felt, Christ-centered, humble worship for God.
I would encourage you to raise a holy hand toward heaven if God leads you to do it. I encourage you to say an “Amen” or “Hallelujah” (or two or three) if what the preacher says witnesses to your spirit and you want to bring glory to God. (Just be cautious not to get caught up in superficial or shallow outward conduct – praising God is a serious character trait for the Christian!) I know a lot of times when I’m alone in the car – a song may minister to my soul. The next thing I know, tears are flowing; I’m  raising my hand toward heaven in praise  (trying not to be dangerous when I do!) and I sort of have my own “private church” right there in the car. I imagine many Christians do this too – whether at home, in your car, in your cubicle at work, outdoors on a walking trail – everywhere people go, God goes! Worshipping and praising God is ‘just plain good’ anywhere!
Psalm 150: 1-2 Praise ye the Lord. Praise God in his sanctuary: praise him in the firmament of his power.
Praise him for his mighty acts: praise him according to his excellent greatness.
Graham Truscott said about worship – “When God’s people being to praise and worship Him using the Biblical methods He gives, the Power of His presence comes among His people in an even greater measure.”Jack Hayford said, “Worship changes the worshiper into the image of the One worshiped.”

Isn’t that beautiful? Let’s be mindful of the One we worship and adore!

Look UP my friends!

1 comment:

  1. If the only prayer we ever say is Thank You - it is enough
