Sunday, May 26, 2013

A Prayer on Memorial Day

Memorial Day is a much beloved holiday for Americans – on a superficial aspect it signifies the opening of swimming pools, first beach trips for families, picnics, three-day weekends, open sun-roofs, first sun-burns, and lots of outdoor sports. When I think of Memorial Day I can’t help but reminisce about my elementary school years – planting little American flags alongside oblique tombstones, all the same shapes, white-gray in appearance, perfectly aligned in straight rows.  My 4-H group would visit two or three graveyards to pay tribute and respect to our American veterans. It wasn’t eerie or scary in any way. We were taught that our freedoms had come via great price to others. Maybe many of you have similar experiences as well – Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, Brownies, etc. Like me, I imagine that other Christians have a desire to be called a patriot to their beloved home country. At least, I sure hope so! I still want to be called patriotic even though elementary school was many decades ago.
Where does this patriotic view start for the Christian you ask? Well, in my opinion Memorial Day is a good place to begin. This holiday is a reminder that we are part of a nation, given privileges, civil rights, and responsibilities, as the result of the sacrifice of others. It is a reminder that we are indebted to many people. Many soldiers died for the causes of liberty, freedom, peace, and happiness. Recognizing our debt acknowledges gratitude! Oh dear friend, may I respectfully remind you that the Christian has a lot to be grateful for? Extending our gratitude to God serves a great purpose for the patriotic Christian.
We want to remember things – certain things – good things - for us to remember and memorialize on this holiday. The austere reality is that men and women have died for our freedom to worship freely, and in some way I think that this serves God. After all, He gave His Son for our eternal spiritual freedom!
Whether you’re enjoying a day off from work on Monday, grilling out with the family, participating in civic remembrances throughout our nation, let us not forget that LIFE is not a game. Patriotism is a valued characteristic for all people, but especially a Christian person. Christians should love and serve the great nation of which we are a part, to the glory of God.
A Few Things to Remember:
Freedom is not or was not ever free! Blood was shed.
We need to remember each other – Those fallen, slain, sacrificed, and bruised for us!
We need to remember the truth of God!
We are to remember the Lord!
We should remember the freedom Jesus gave us on the cross!
We should remember our commitments to God!
Sending a tremendous thank you to all the women and men who so bravely serve our country. May God richly bless you! And for my friends in other countries – May God Bless YOU too!
Look UP my friends!
Today’s Prayer:  Heavenly Father, as I bow before you, I want to thank you for the freedoms I have – the ability to worship you in my sanctuary of choice. Thank you for the Cross- where my soul was truly set free! I want to remember those men and women, those families, who paid the ultimate sacrifice for freedoms – so selflessly paying a debt for those they don’t even know. I ask that you protect these brave people in your strong and sheltering arms. Bless those actively serving, and those who so diligently served in the past. Fill them with courage to face each day and may that trust in you, Lord, to accomplish each task. Fill your people with a love for the blood-stained banner of Jesus!  Bless this nation, Father.  Comfort those who grieve the loss of their loved ones this Memorial Day. Let your healing be the hope and light within our hearts. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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