Thursday, May 16, 2013

A Home Church?

Hebrews 10:25 (KJV) Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching
While personal trends show us the things which people aspire, it is also noteworthy to understand the lifestyles that people actually lead. The two are not the same. Corporate ladder, indulgence, gluten free, vegan, “more for less,” raw food diet, luxury, convenience, high quality…those are widely random terms we’ve readily incorporated into our American lifestyle. The American psyche.  I know SO many gluten-free consumers now – I’ve met many Vegans – many college grads (or not) trying to climb their way to the top of the corporate chain. I would say you know these people too or perhaps for medical reasons even you may lead a specific dietary lifestyle.
The World Wide Web has provided the power of information in the hands of the consumer. One report said, "Consumers drive dollars. Consumers drive sales. Consumers drive numbers! Now, if desired, the consumer can compare every detail of any product with any of its competitors."  With tremendous grace and subtleness (lack of self-awareness) we can find ourselves more focused on these lifestyle choices than what it is the Christian should be about. I have met my share of people who apply these “buzz word principles” when finding a church home. (That’s troubling to my heart!) I’m not intentionally trying to sound like a hardnosed individual, but our mere church attendance doesn’t make us a Christian. Have you heard the wise saying, ‘Sitting in your garage doesn’t make you a car, any more than sitting on a church pew makes you a Christian?” I think there’s quite a bit of truth in that statement. Our religion – religiosity itself – is a dangerous tool.
Be leery, my friends! The Gospel isn’t neatly packaged into a 20 minute ‘sermonette’ on how being a positive thinker is the key to life. Our worship service, our personal worship relationship with Jesus, is a serious thing.  When finding a church home, the Christian should rely on the drawing of the Holy Spirit. Don’t be fooled by comfortable seating, cappuccino by the cup, music that reaches your feet before it reaches your heart, self-centered topics that distort the Word of God. (The Christian understands that our flesh will not be drawn to a holy atmosphere – but the flesh will repel away from it. As consumers around the world are becoming savvier and demanding, so their expectation for the “Church” will become more demanding. Not for things holy, righteous, Godly – but for things that satisfy the spirit of man).
I have written down 10 questions that may help you when looking for a church home – I’ll be the first to say it isn’t easy! Just be sure to listen to what God tells you – not what YOU tell yourself, or your spouse, or your neighbor. Look within your heart when looking for a church home.
1)      What are my true beliefs? The secret beliefs I hide from others?
2)      Do my beliefs line up with what God says in HIS Word?
3)      Does the size of the church matter to me? If so, why?
4)      Am I saved? Am I really a born-again, Bible believing Christian?
5)      Do I prefer religious sanctities (because it’s what I’m accustomed to) verses a personal relationship?
6)      Does God hear me when I pray?
7)      Is the church’s doctrine based on the BIBLE as the ultimate authority?
8)      Can others tell that I’m a Christian by both actions and speech?
9)      Do my actions glorify GOD the majority of the time? Do I bring shame upon Jesus’ name?
10)  Does my lifestyle dominate my spiritual life? Or does my spiritual life dominate my lifestyle?

My final 2 thoughts are as follows…First; don’t expect any church to be perfect. One pastor said, "If people are in it…then it will be full of mistakes." Secondly, don’t give up on finding a good church home. God desires a relationship with you – so much that to give His only Son – for YOU. He is important. He’s more important than any lifestyle or personal trend that you’re leading right now. Try to be faithful to God’s house. He is faithful to us in every way.
Look UP my friends!

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