Thursday, February 27, 2014

Wealth and Riches

Warren Buffett. Does his name ring a bell? Does 60 billion dollars ring a bell? Well, it doesn’t resonate too deeply to me either – that amount of money. Ha! But it’s noteworthy for a couple of reasons.

After recently completing radiation treatments for prostate cancer, he’s still going strong at age 83. The gentleman, Warren Buffett, is considered to be the world’s FOURTH richest man. (I don’t know the top 3). Buffett is estimated to be worth $58.5 billion to be exact. 

That’s B with a billion; not M as in million.  According to Forbes’ website, Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway teamed up with 3G Capital to pick up legendary ketchup maker H.J. Heinz for $23.2 billion and a Berkshire subsidiary is buying Nevada's NV Energy for $5.6 billion. It is reported that Buffett gave over $2 billion of Berkshire stock to the Gates Foundation in July, bringing his lifetime giving to nearly $20 billion. (I think it’s pretty fantastic that he gives away such a generous portion of his accumulated wealth!)

And by the way, the Gates Foundation – that would be Mr. Bill Gates and his wife’s charitable entity. I read that Mr. Gates has enough wealth to purchase EVERY home in Alaska, North and South Dakota, and Wyoming. I've read that he has enough paper money to cover every square inch of Manhattan no less than 6 times. We’re talking big money! It’s said that he could own 85% of the entire world’s diamond industry and STILL have hundreds of millions left over.

Wow – that’s an astounding amount of wealth. An astonishing amount of money – really so large that it’s beyond my comprehension. I've dreamed about suddenly coming into a million dollars. I personally don’t play the lottery, but its fun to dream.

What would I do? Would I buy a home in Hawaii?  Would I start an animal sanctuary for abused circus animals? Would I buy needed items for my family? It can be harmless to daydream sometimes. (Life Moment: The key is to avoid covetousness and jealously. The LOVE of money is different than acquiring it. God DOES bless His children in varying degrees! It's not necessarily a bad thing to have nice things! God blesses His people.            I Timothy 6:10 (KJV) 

So, this idea of success, riches,  and “wealth” gives way to thoughts about WHAT do we really value on earth? In what ways do we consider ourselves truly WEALTHY?

The Bible says, For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?” Matthew 16:26 {KJV}

I think this question puts it into perspective for us all! The person without wealth (penniless) with Jesus in his heart is FAR wealthier than a billionaire with countless riches in his portfolio. (I have no idea about Mr. Gates or Mr. Buffett’s spiritual status – I’m simply stating that money doesn't quantify eternal life in heaven!)

Really think about it…do you VALUE God in your life? Do you VALUE your time with Him? Your time devoted in service to the Lord? Simple Truth: It’s important to store up our treasures in heaven MORE than on earth!

Fill in the blank. I am rich in_______________. I value__________the most in this life.

Look UP my friends!

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