Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Something Others Didn't See

Many people called Theodore Geisel a failure. He, as lots of young people, often heard that he “was a loser, and wouldn’t make it.”  It really disturbs me to see or hear about young people being discouraged – or adults for that matter. It is hurtful when someone projects their issues onto us. It is downright unhealthy. The Christian especially should make a point to motivate and uplift those people in our lives. People need a kind word of support! Life is challenging.
Life Moment: If we’re not careful, we’ll believe negative things people say about us too. We’ll carry over childhood hurt into our adulthood. Sometimes we let one or two comments from our past gnaw away at our confidence and inner peace – we’ll remain downcast at times in our lives when we need to exercise faith. Remember, our worth is measured in Christ alone – not the opinions of others, whether positive or negative.
So, according to what I read, "It was after many art classes and painful high school years, that Mr. Geisel found himself at prestigious Dartmouth College. In college Theodore unexpectedly chose to sign up for a writing class – he was interested in writing since he had been so routinely discouraged from being an artist. But alas, Theodore was told again, that his talent was lacking and that he should find another profession. He was told repeatedly that he would always be a failure."
He persevered anyway. He kept going. He was turned down 27 times by various publishing houses. However, the twenty-eighth publisher proved all of the “nay sayers” wrong. Dr. Deuss was born!
As documented, "Theodore Geisel, the doodling, criticized, rejected student, proved everyone wrong. He has sold over two hundred million books in more than 20 different languages." How is THAT for overcoming adversity?
Lots of people called Theodore Geisel a failure. After hearing this negative message so often, I suspect he felt like a failure many times during his life. But he kept going. In our lives, Christ can and will give us the strength to keep going too! And someone in the 28th publishing house saw something that other people didn’t see.
 Life Moment: The Christian has Someone, and something that the non-believer can’t see! We are more than conquerors though Him.
Dr Seuss – Encouragement Poem
I have heard there are troubles of more than one kind.
Some come from ahead and some come from behind.
But I’ve bought a big bat. I’m all ready you see.
Now my troubles are going to have troubles with me!
 Look UP my friends!

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