Thursday, March 14, 2013

Homesick for Heaven

Christians believe that the most wonderful thing that can happen to them
is to go to heaven, but few of them are in a hurry to make the trip.
- Source unknown
Ouch! Reality check time! That comment stung a little bit, but it coincides with this evening’s post. Have you ever been consumed by thoughts of our heavenly home? It seems like HOME has been my preoccupation for the past several weeks, but especially today, yet for no particular singular reason. Do you relate to that? I’ve just wiped tears away ALL day! It’s just one of those times when my cup runs over. Tears of joy. Tears of sorrow. Tears from missing our friends and family. Tears…knowing I am not worthy of the mercy shown on the Cross.
Tears come to my eyes when I meditate on Who is there! Who we’ll be reunited with!? Finally seeing the face of our Savior! To bow at His feet and cry holy, holy, holy! I cannot get the images and thoughts of heaven out on my mind of late. Maybe it’s because the Christian is focusing his thoughts on the Resurrection of our Lord this month (not that we don’t rejoice daily in His resurrection, His power, and His life giving blood). Or, maybe I’m just homesick to see HIM. To be reunited with loved ones! How thankful I am that the Christian has this promise! Hebrews 12:2 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.
About 5 years ago, I heard an extremely disturbing conversation. It has lingered with me. I was alongside my husband visiting someone in the hospital. The gentleman had several visitors. We didn’t want it to be awkward with such a large crowd gathering in a confined space, so we felt like it was our time to leave. (Life Moment – Most people in the hospital aren’t up for extensive, lengthy visits. That’s MOST people, not all. We should be sensitive to what is an appropriate length to stay. That’s just my opinion). Before departing, as is customary, my husband asks if it would be okay if we prayed with the person.  The gentleman agreed. But before he could initiate the petition to our heavenly Father, someone in the room said, “I’m really worried about this surgery.” Sobs could be heard. Big wet tears started falling from the senior lady’s face (It was her brother in the hospital, scheduled to have cardiac bypass surgery the next morning).
She composes herself; by this time most everyone had a few tears in their eye. The patient speaks up and says, “Shoot, I don’t even WANT to go to heaven. Stop that mess!” Everyone’s eyes probably got huge! Golf-ball sized at least. She cried out, “Why would you say such an awful thing?!” He looks at her…stone faced…no emotion whatsoever. “Because HE will be there!” he spoke as he pointed to another man in the room (his brother).
We didn’t know it at the time, but there had been a rift between the siblings for decades. Both brothers seemed to loathe each other. Wow. The room was silent. One of those rare times when you “could hear a pin drop.”  
My immediate reaction was to feel so terrible for the man who said this grisly comment (I wasn’t sure if he was using bad humor or what) and then I felt really bad for my husband who still needed to pray! In front of these people – and with the man who just said this! I instantly started praying. Hard!
I was also reminded – here was a gentleman facing open heart surgery in less than 12 hours and he was saying such careless and cold things about our eternal home?! Yikes!
Well, it was one of those life moments when God steps in when we cannot walk alone. My husband prayed a sincere, beautiful, heartfelt prayer. Everyone in the room was physically stirred and moved by the presence and atmosphere of God. Everyone held hands and just soaked in the breeze from heaven’s shores…
Except the patient.
Some stories just don’t have a happy ending, friends. He survived the surgery. But is that enough? No.
For the Christian, our heavenly home awaits! Our real home is on the other side of Jordan! It is as real as the very breath that I’m breathing.
Please, I implore you, make SURE you know HIM today. As the song says, ‘I want to stroll over heaven with YOU!’
Look UP my friends!

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