Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Polishing Our Image

Romans 1:16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.
How do you feel about marketing yourself? Self-promotion can be very awkward and the concept of “marketing” for the Christian can be perceived as a shallow, self-centered, arrogant approach to life. And in many aspects, I do agree with that perception. However, no matter how we analyze it or evaluate it, we place labels on people on a regular, sometimes daily basis. After all, big corporations invest millions and millions of dollars branding their specific product or service. People actually LIKE labels! Everyone is perceived in some way! We are all labeled!
Are you old enough to remember “Where is the beef?” Or “Hey Mikey…he likes it!” You know what candy “melts in your mouth, not in your hands,” don’t you? There’s a particular watch that “takes a licking but keeps on ticking.”
In a consumer driven society, it is easy to be seduced into thinking if we “brand” ourselves a certain way, or buy particular items that we’ll be thin, beautiful, wealthy, and trouble-free! Let us be reminded that the Bible is concise about “branding” of ourselves – we are NOT to be conformed of the world it says. This means in one definition that we aren’t to be fixated on materialistic possessions. But it also means that the true Christian’s light will shine in dark places! (As we discussed in yesterday’s post).  Romans 12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
 Sometimes life is a matter of our “owning” our perceived character or allowing others to define who we are from their own perceptions or misconceptions of us. If we don’t own it, we risk being labeled in a light that doesn’t accurately embody who we are.
The Christian is especially vulnerable for being mislabeled. It is important to know who you are as well as WHOSE you are!  In essence, the Christian has a brand!  Just as every person is unique and divinely different – so is the Christian. But as a whole, Christians are expected to be kind, loving, honest, and compassionate. It goes with the brand, right?! {Life Moment – we cannot win followers to Christ by making ourselves more attractive to the world}
People respect, value and want access to “who you are” because:
  • It answers naturally formed questions – helping to build a relationship with people you don’t even know. What you say; how you act is a witness for Christ! (Ever had anyone to ask you…”You’re a Christian aren’t you? Or “You must be a preacher.” Or “You’re so nice; are you a Christian?”)
  • People are innately curious and want to know why you are the way you are, and why you do what you do. {If I had a dollar for every time I was asked this question!}
  • You get to resolve and correct misconceptions that may have been formed about you, but more importantly about God – about His Son - turning a negative reputation into a positive one.  
You’ve heard stories over the years haven’t you – about why people don’t attend God’s house. Once I heard someone say they didn’t go to church because giving to the offering was mandatory, and they didn’t think it was fair. (Not true! I’ve never been MADE to give anything) Years ago, someone told me they heard church members were forced to sing in front of people. (Again, not true.) One time I was told a family didn’t go to church, because in their words, “Nobody shook my hand and the preacher was rude. I know he was using me as an example.” I asked the person if they knew the pastor – they had never met him personally. So you see…Christians can have the wrong kind of labels!
Let us be reminded to cast ourselves in manner which is pleasing to God – the Christian’s “brand” is humility, meekness, longsuffering, forgiving, and NOT ASHAMED of the gospel!
What would your personal brand say about you? Would people you don’t know be attracted to your open love for God?
 Let's be concerned more for HIS image verses our own.
Look UP my friends!

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