Sunday, March 31, 2013

A Purpose for Blogging

 Psalm 46:5 God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved: God shall help her, and that right early.

Today is a magnificent day for the Christian! It’s the day we celebrate and recognize the death, burial, and resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Today, being Easter is the genuine reason I had not planned on blogging. I don’t want to mess up any thoughts you may have on the most High God – the Redeemer of the world! I don’t want to take away or distract through my own insufficiencies from the magnitude of what HE has done. We really DO serve a risen King!
 However, my heart is steered toward writing today, so I felt it best to be obedient.
I was asked a few weeks ago, by a non-Christian, what was my purpose for blogging, “about God so much,” as it was phrased. “Don’t you get tired of it?” he asked. At that particular moment the question caught me by surprise. Sometimes, I do that … that whole hindsight is 20-20 thing. I should have said this! I really needed to say ‘that!’ Why didn’t I say such n’ such? I can often think of 100 things AFTER the fact. I asked the person to give me a few minutes so that I could consolidate my answer. Life Moment: Sometimes it makes people nervous when you talk about the Lord on a personal level. Be a voice for His honor anyway! He’ll bless you.
The reason I write is to show people how ordinary days are filled with God in extraordinary ways. I attempt to connect the dots where God is working and molding us in His image. I attempt to get others to look within and then look UP for solutions! One writer said, "Our lives are filled with God, His mercy, if we take time to recognize the little things, or the big things." I thought that was an excellent concept.  I write because I feel like Christians need encouragement. I feel a purpose to communicate through my own learning experiences, or perhaps those I’ve witnessed or those shared through friends. (Mostly I use myself for illustrations). I write because only I know how truly unworthy I was/am that God sent His only Son to die for ME. I put pen to paper in the blog form because people need a source of reliable first-hand information! We just relate better, most of the time, to other people. (The Bible is the infallible Word of God. We can’t do better than that!) In my opinion, people need personal connections. I write to encourage a personal connection with HIM. I write because He lives! I share intimacies and details to illustrate how human we are, and how much God HE is. {I hope that what I lack in talent I compensate for in passion!}
That wasn’t a concise answer was it? My auto-pilot answer to the gentleman’s question….”I have a work to do. I write because I have an unquenchable burning desire to tell the world that Jesus is the answer.”  
“To what?” He asks. “It’s the answer to your life?”  Yes, Jesus is THE answer. For everything. And everyone.
Look within –ask yourself, “What is my work? What is my passion?”

Look UP & Happy Easter friends!

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