Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Rocking The Boat

I don’t deliberately try to stand out, draw attention, show-boat, or be the “odd person out,” in a group…but nonetheless, I find myself there sometimes. Perhaps you, too, have found yourself the “odd man on campus” because you were not afraid to stand by single-handedly. You stood for your principles. You’ve followed your beliefs and your God! You may go down, but you go down standing up!  As we southerners say, “It ain’t always easy!”

I probably grew up believing that “rocking the boat” was not a good thing. “Keep your comments to yourself. Keep your hands and feet inside the bars at all times. If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything. Don’t eat before you go swimming. Be the bigger person. Blend in. Don’t stick out like a sore thumb!” Since the varied advice came from numerous places, I accepted it as wisdom. “Going with the flow,” seemed like a decent rule of thumb. Don’t rock the metaphorical boat.

I’m not saying as Christians we should ever strive to be ridiculed, derided, made fun of, mocked, or the topic of adversity. But! Knowing it isn’t easy to be the odd one out, I encourage you to find your voice and stand up for Jesus! It is okay to ‘rock the boat’ for the cause of Christ…in the right heart, and in the right tone. Naturally, we should not put our absolute faith and confidence in man, but rather in God. You understand that you’ll be alone within a crowd sometimes – and it might be a good thing! Don’t look for most crowds to support Christian values. Count the cost – ask God for help – and go for it!

Recently, I found myself in an awkward situation. I was having a business lunch with a small group of ladies. Within short order, the conversation began to pepper itself with lewd comments, and talk of inappropriate sexual nature. (It is mind boggling what some people consider acceptable conversation!) Long story short, after my requests to clean up the conversation were ignored, I just politely ended my meal, and dismissed myself. Enough said – without arrogance, but with confidence, I decided to take a stand. For God. Not myself. It was worth the cost!

I am reminded of Cassie Bernall’s story – now hers is a real story of “rocking the boat and taking a stand for the Lord.” Her legacy rings loudly. It stood out to me for many reasons. The article I read shared that she was a student in 1999 – at Columbine High School. She was shot and killed on April 20, 1999. When Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold attacked the school, killing many, Cassie was one of the victims.  When asked if she believed in God, she said yes, and was killed for it. (Although, one witness disputes this fact).

After she died so brutally, a piece of paper with this Bible verse (from a translation of Philippians 3:10-11) was found in her room: "Now I have given up on everything else--I found it to be the only way to know Christ and to experience the mighty power that brought Him to life again, and to find out what it really means to suffer and to die with Him. So, whatever it takes, I will be one who lives in the fresh newness of life of those who are alive from the dead."

Whether she actually said yes or not, she truly was someone who loved God.

I know this was an extreme example of “standing alone” or rocking the boat. I hope nobody else is in that situation again. However, let it serve as a reminder that life is precious. Life is short.

Metaphorically, wear a swim suit.  Because we are all going in!  If the boat is a rockin', then Jesus will be in it too.  And that's where I want to be...Where He is.

Look UP my friends!

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