Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The Burning Question

“Why is this happening to me?” was the question I received from a friend. Unfortunately, I didn’t have a profound; immediate response. It’s not a bad question - Why DO bad things happen to good people? The question might have at least a dozen right or wrong answers. I needed to tread lightly!
The person who asked me this question – the burning question – seemed to have bitterness in their heart at that particular moment. So in that split second of decision making, I asked God for assistance and decided to be bold in my answer.
It is important not to challenge or rebuke God when things go wrong in our lives. {It is easier said than done sometimes!} The Christian understands that wrong doings still occur. Sometimes they occur frequently! We experience painful situations such as being wrongly fired, unfairly accused, erroneously hurt, the loss of a loved one, or dishonorably treated by someone. Being a child of the King, doesn’t mean we’re treated or loved like one! (Except by Him, the One who died for us).
However, I recommend that we refrain from being hostile with God. Don’t insert a personal pronoun into the question. It could be considered accusatory.   How easy to internally say, “God, why did YOU let this happen to me? Why are YOU allowing this to happen? I’m the good guy here, why are you not punishing THEM for their wicked ways? Why did you let my loved one die? How could you do that, God?” Sentences like those.
The truth is – God’s ways are not our ways. His thoughts are not our thoughts (Isaiah 55:8).  Sometimes life is extremely hard to understand, if we can understand at all. Some occasions offer no earthly answer for heavenly questions. I do, however, know that during and through times of sorrow and pain, the presence of God is available to us 24 hours a day, 7 days per week. He’s there ALL the time. It’s during the valley that we can feel the presence of God. His strength. His comfort. His sustaining love. When everyone and/or everything in our lives fails – God will never fail! He sustains those who grieve and lament. He offers assurance in the face of evil deeds. He offers His magnificent grave to those He calls to Himself.
When my friend asked me about her situation - it seemed a natural question. Most all of us would question favoritism on the job, family rifts, or the loss of relationships. My friend’s story (or account) is quite tragic. A second child with cancer (the first one survived into teenage hood prior to passing away). Unfair workplace treatment. Financial struggles secondary to a family member’s dishonest choices. Just a lot of wounded emotions and sore feelings all at once! Totally understandable, right? A SECOND child with cancer!? Beyond hard!
I cannot explain the loss of a child. I know that God doesn’t look at death like we do. God is able to restore life to that child through the resurrection of Jesus. It’s what heaven is all about! It’s why we put our trusting souls literally in His hands.

I cannot explain the workplace injustices that occur across the nations. I do know that God will meet your needs according to His riches in glory. I know that HE can open better doors. I know that He can be glorified for turning valleys into victories! He CAN make a way. I am reminded that He sees what is wrong, and only He can make things right.
I cannot explain chronic financial struggles. I can testify to God’s deliverance though. I’ve seen Him make possible what I thought was impossible! I know He wants us to rely on Him entirely. You probably have your own personal witness to the glory of God – your witness to Him meeting your needs in an unexpected but holy way! God does work that way quite often. The unforeseen gift from someone. “Laying something on your heart” to be a blessing to another. (Be obedient, dear Christian! You never know what the need is behind the gift!)

My hope in answering the burning question (with what I can and cannot explain) is that you will find His comfort, His presence, and His grace into the circumstances of your life. Remind yourself that God is bigger than anything you’re facing. Jesus is right where you are.
Look UP my friends!

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