I’ve been mediating and
pondering on faith the last few weeks…faith, in my estimation, functions on
many levels. Faith exists both
purposefully and subconsciously. But for this post, I’m not referring to what I
call our “expectation faith.”
Not the kind of faith you
exercise when you turn your ignition key – you automatically expect the car to
zoom to life.
Not the kind of faith when
you pre-set your oven temperature to 350*
- you expect it to be pretty close to the selected number when the bell “dings”
to let you know it is preheated.
Not the kind of faith it
requires one to fly by airplane or travel via automobile to another
destination. We typically expect to arrive safely.
The mustard seed…have you
ever held one? Almost every grocery store in my area has them in the
spice/baking section. I encourage you to hold a bottle above your eye level –
look at it. Study the bottle. Let your
senses absorb the gold tiny little seeds on the inside. How many are in the
bottle - 150? 900? 2300? I’m not sure, but it takes A LOT of seeds to fill the
bottle. But we just need ONE!
A Mustard Seed of Faith
They say if you have
streadfast faith
The size of one mere mustard
That you can move to that
mountain high
And place it where you see
the need.
They say having faith is the
To manifest the d reams you
But faith is far, far more
than that –
It’s knowing you’re already
~~~ Author Unknown
I’ll write more on faith
soon, but for this purpose, let’s close with this simple prayer…
Heavenly Father,
Give me big faith, Lord. I have goliaths in my life from time to time,
and I do not want to give up! Help me to have faith to see beyond my
uncomfortable circumstances. Faith to remind me that ALL things are possible and
ALL people stand in need of your salvation. Show me how to practice my faith
when people, situations, and the adversary seem to be against me. I understand that in order to grow, our roots
of faith must be planted deep in your Word and your grace. Help me to truly BELIEVE the mustard seed amount that pleases you.
Help me in daily necessity; daily counsel
– because you’re the Great Counselor.
In Jesus’ name,
Let’s look UP friends!