Wednesday, June 26, 2013

5 Tips for Being a 'Better' Christian

I’m asked 2 similar questions on a regular basis. What is the key to successful Christian living and/or what can we really do to be a better person? First comes the awareness that the Christian life isn’t an easy life - particularly in a secular world. You’ve heard me say many times that life “ain’t easy!”  If you’re willing to walk to the beat of your own drum, then be prepared! You probably won’t be highly popular. You won’t fit into many groups around the “office water cooler.” You may be discriminated against. You may suffer persecution. The Bible teaches us that followers of Jesus will experience these things!  We’ll face rejection, although nothing like the rejection Jesus receives/received. Yet, as a child of the King, we’re supposed to be different! God says His people are a “peculiar people” in the book of 1 Peter. We can expect obstacles. We can anticipate the adversary to “seek us as a roaring lion” as the Holy Scriptures teaches us.  Some weeks you may ask yourself, “Will it ever end? How much more can I take?!” We’ve all had those moments where we’re overwhelmed and in need of an immediate supernatural intervention from God!  Yet, our ‘Christendom’ doesn’t make our challenges and heartaches easy. It just offers opportunity for our Lord to demonstrate what a big and great God He is!
So, you may ask, is there a secret to becoming a better Christian?
I don’t have any secrets or a “silver bullets,” but I do have a few tips for how to communicate your love and your personal relationship with Jesus. (Life Moment ~ God looks at us all the same, so being a “better” Christian is a relative term. However, we DO need to endeavor to be more and more like Him).
5 Tips for Being a ‘Better’ Christian
1)    Avoid Bragging  I have found that nobody likes a braggadocios person. They’re not a pleasure to be around, nor does that attribute represent the humility of Christ. And by ALL means, I encourage you NOT to boast or brag about how close you are to God and what special connection you may have to the Holiest of Holy. You’ll most likely turn-off those around you, and you’ll miss out on an opportunity to share the Gospel. (Life Moment ~sometimes our Christianity speaks volumes without having to speak words). I do not want to be the person labeled a smarty-pants or arrogant! Do you?
2)    Pray  This is one act of service and communication that the Christian CANNOT do too much of. Pray before you go to bed, pray before you go to work, pray before you eat your meals, pray before you speak, pray before you take action! Pray in the name of Jesus. Pray as often as you think about God during the day. Offer prayers of gratitude!
3)      Be Genuine Nobody likes a phony do they? We all probably know people that act one way around a certain group, but act differently around another. Disingenuous. It would horrible to be labeled as a “phony” Christian. A phony person! Our actions should match our speech in 95% of circumstances. The other 5% is a time to pray first – then do what God directs. (God knows if we’re saying one thing and doing another. HE knows if you’re bringing dishonor to His name. Be cautious!).
4)    Be Faithful to Church The Scriptures teach us not to forsake the assembling of ourselves together! Don’t rely solely on the television or internet for your weekly spiritual nutrition. (I’m not referencing if you’re bedridden or have unavoidable obstacles). If it’s been 30 days since you’ve been in the House of God...what is stopping you? Has it been 2 weeks? 6 months? The fellowship of the Christian body and hearing the God-honoring music and preaching cannot be replaced by any format of media.
5)    Read His Word The Bible has ALL the answers (to every question) we’ll ever need. It is for anyone and everyone. It is THERE, in His Word that He can and will speak to you. Meditating and thinking on heaven, the One who died for you, God’s mercy, and all of the majesty of His deity will draw you closer to Him. The Bible is far more important than any self-help book on the market.

The 5 tips I listed will help you to GROW in your spirit. To Grow in Him is the only avenue to being a better person on the inside. (Where it counts the most!)

All me to close in a short prayer:
Heavenly Father, I thank you for your Word – that it teaches me that I am made in the image of You. Help me to never be perceived as arrogant, disingenuous, or phony. You said that I am the salt of the earth, and that your people are a light in the world. Help me to continue to grow in faith and in wisdom, not allowing the devices and tricks of the enemy to deter me from living a successful Christ-like life. You deserve all honor and glory!  Thank you for all of the blessings you bestowed upon me this day. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Look UP my friends!

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