Friday, June 28, 2013

The Names of Jesus

I’ve had a melody on my heart this morning. It’s one of my favorites. Our church choir actually sings it - a song titled “No Other Name.” I love it. There is NO other name like the name of Jesus! There is no other name to proclaim and praise! (It’s a good reminder in current times, that we must keep our spiritual and earthly eyes on Him, and Him alone!)

He is the Bright and Morning Star. The Lily of the Valley. Our Comforter. The Fairest of 10,000. Our Daily Bread. The Lion of Judah! Oh how sacred and marvelous is He! Savior. Counselor. Friend! Everything to everyone!

Today, take a moment to genuinely think about Jesus – His wonderful and glorious name. As you begin to meditate on WHO Jesus is to you…Allow me share a short poem I wrote.


No Other Name

By Kimberly Hemric


No other name, like the name of Jesus

Is a FOUNT of living water, never dry

No other name but the name of JESUS

Can all of your needs, fully supply!

He is the WELL of Mercy – the blossoms in the field

Our armor, Our SWORD, Our Joy, our faithful BATTLESHIELD!

He is ALPHA and Omega of whom I knowingly sing

The only one in darkest night, who will His comfort bring.

He is the ROSE of Sharon – the LILY, loving, fair

The sweetest FRAGRANCE of Eden’s bloom, wafting in the air.

LION Of Judah, the Great I AM for ever more

Yet He knows my name – The LAMB we worship and adore!


Look UP my friends!



Thursday, June 27, 2013

Getting Back Up

Someone spontaneously said to me yesterday, “It must be nice to never have problems! You just get up and keep trucking like nothing is wrong. I can’t relate, but I’m happy for ya!” I couldn’t have been more shocked at that particular moment. I’m glad that the person seems to perceive me as a happy, upbeat, and problem-free person, but no one is exempt from trials, problems, or adversity. (And if anyone tells you they’re upbeat and happy 24/7-365 they might be related to Pinocchio!) I admit I have my reasonable share of challenges, but God has proven Himself faithful through every valley, problem, and obstacle I’ve ever had. Not because of me or anything I’ve done whatsoever, but because of Him. Who HE is!

 Was the person genuinely happy that my life was seemingly “problem free?” I sort of doubt it, but they were trying to have a good attitude about their false impression. Gotta’ admire that at least! And the point she made about “getting up” struck home with me! It’s good to stay in the game isn’t it? Not to quit! People are looking at the life you live for Christ!

Let’s take a quick look at the following Biblical Men: Remember how the prophet Elijah sat under a juniper tree and wished that he might actually die?! Moses got so depressed that he asked God to kill him. Paul, a great and tremendous Apostle of Christ, spoke of his desolation and despair in the Scriptures. The psalmist David’s son, Absalom, tried to kill him. So you KNOW if these great men of God went through trials (and got back up!)  that we will also suffer through rough times.

So what does one do, to keep getting back up, after they’ve been knocked down? I have adapted a list of the following:

Look UP  Jesus is the real and only Comforter. He and His strength are what will carry you through. Will I ever know joy again? Will I get through this? Maybe those are questions you’ve asked yourself. You’re not alone. Maybe the problems you’re going through aren’t your fault. Maybe you have good reason to feel depressed or defeated. I encourage you not to look anywhere but UP to Jesus during this time. Luke 21:28 And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.

Look ON Don’t allow your thoughts and actions to be trapped in the present circumstance. Just like we should “carry on” or “press on” no situation is forever. Look at what you’ve been brought through! I usually don’t recommend looking back too often, but it’s a healthy and productive task when we recall ALL the times God has brought us through heartache! So, look on. March on. Stand strong. Don’t focus more attention on negative memories than the hope you have for wonderful new ones!

Look OVER Occasionally we have to look over people. Okay, maybe more than occasionally. Maybe a lot! I know people have to look OVER me sometimes too. I encourage you to look at what lies over “the river Jordan!” Our eternal home in Glory! Taking the high road with people isn’t always easy, but it’s honoring to God. Looking OVER means you’re not stagnant. As Christians, we are to continually be about God’s business. There’s a work for us to do!

Look AHEAD It’s comforting to look ahead – for the Christian. To finally see the face of our Lord and Savior one day! To see His nail-scarred hands. To see HIM seated at the right hand of the Father. To see the place He has gone to prepare for us! Oh how words do fail to capture what heaven will really be! Don’t you want your family and friends there? I know I sure do!

Oh my friends, life on earth is short. The Bible says it is just a vapor! Do all you can to share the Gospel. Share your faith. Pray for your lost loved ones. Be an example to others.  Look UP, ON, OVER, and AHEAD! You’ve been knocked down a few times…The hand of God awaits you. He IS the Anchor that holds!

Look UP my friends!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

5 Tips for Being a 'Better' Christian

I’m asked 2 similar questions on a regular basis. What is the key to successful Christian living and/or what can we really do to be a better person? First comes the awareness that the Christian life isn’t an easy life - particularly in a secular world. You’ve heard me say many times that life “ain’t easy!”  If you’re willing to walk to the beat of your own drum, then be prepared! You probably won’t be highly popular. You won’t fit into many groups around the “office water cooler.” You may be discriminated against. You may suffer persecution. The Bible teaches us that followers of Jesus will experience these things!  We’ll face rejection, although nothing like the rejection Jesus receives/received. Yet, as a child of the King, we’re supposed to be different! God says His people are a “peculiar people” in the book of 1 Peter. We can expect obstacles. We can anticipate the adversary to “seek us as a roaring lion” as the Holy Scriptures teaches us.  Some weeks you may ask yourself, “Will it ever end? How much more can I take?!” We’ve all had those moments where we’re overwhelmed and in need of an immediate supernatural intervention from God!  Yet, our ‘Christendom’ doesn’t make our challenges and heartaches easy. It just offers opportunity for our Lord to demonstrate what a big and great God He is!
So, you may ask, is there a secret to becoming a better Christian?
I don’t have any secrets or a “silver bullets,” but I do have a few tips for how to communicate your love and your personal relationship with Jesus. (Life Moment ~ God looks at us all the same, so being a “better” Christian is a relative term. However, we DO need to endeavor to be more and more like Him).
5 Tips for Being a ‘Better’ Christian
1)    Avoid Bragging  I have found that nobody likes a braggadocios person. They’re not a pleasure to be around, nor does that attribute represent the humility of Christ. And by ALL means, I encourage you NOT to boast or brag about how close you are to God and what special connection you may have to the Holiest of Holy. You’ll most likely turn-off those around you, and you’ll miss out on an opportunity to share the Gospel. (Life Moment ~sometimes our Christianity speaks volumes without having to speak words). I do not want to be the person labeled a smarty-pants or arrogant! Do you?
2)    Pray  This is one act of service and communication that the Christian CANNOT do too much of. Pray before you go to bed, pray before you go to work, pray before you eat your meals, pray before you speak, pray before you take action! Pray in the name of Jesus. Pray as often as you think about God during the day. Offer prayers of gratitude!
3)      Be Genuine Nobody likes a phony do they? We all probably know people that act one way around a certain group, but act differently around another. Disingenuous. It would horrible to be labeled as a “phony” Christian. A phony person! Our actions should match our speech in 95% of circumstances. The other 5% is a time to pray first – then do what God directs. (God knows if we’re saying one thing and doing another. HE knows if you’re bringing dishonor to His name. Be cautious!).
4)    Be Faithful to Church The Scriptures teach us not to forsake the assembling of ourselves together! Don’t rely solely on the television or internet for your weekly spiritual nutrition. (I’m not referencing if you’re bedridden or have unavoidable obstacles). If it’s been 30 days since you’ve been in the House of God...what is stopping you? Has it been 2 weeks? 6 months? The fellowship of the Christian body and hearing the God-honoring music and preaching cannot be replaced by any format of media.
5)    Read His Word The Bible has ALL the answers (to every question) we’ll ever need. It is for anyone and everyone. It is THERE, in His Word that He can and will speak to you. Meditating and thinking on heaven, the One who died for you, God’s mercy, and all of the majesty of His deity will draw you closer to Him. The Bible is far more important than any self-help book on the market.

The 5 tips I listed will help you to GROW in your spirit. To Grow in Him is the only avenue to being a better person on the inside. (Where it counts the most!)

All me to close in a short prayer:
Heavenly Father, I thank you for your Word – that it teaches me that I am made in the image of You. Help me to never be perceived as arrogant, disingenuous, or phony. You said that I am the salt of the earth, and that your people are a light in the world. Help me to continue to grow in faith and in wisdom, not allowing the devices and tricks of the enemy to deter me from living a successful Christ-like life. You deserve all honor and glory!  Thank you for all of the blessings you bestowed upon me this day. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Look UP my friends!

Monday, June 24, 2013

4 Words of Encouragement

Have you been discouraged lately? Felt a little tense about things you’re facing? It can be tough to not be discouraged when we see the sin, wickedness, and wrong-doing happening here on Earth. Sometimes it can feel like we, the Christians, are losing the battle on these issues. I know in the media, the Christian voice is often mocked or is nearly silenced all together.
The spiritual battle is real – but I encourage you to continue to shine in a lost and dying world. Equip yourselves and press on! Share your faith!

 Allow me to offer you four Biblical words that offer encouragement to the discouraged!

Holy –  Isn’t it refreshing to know that we serve a HOLY and a righteous God! Isaiah 6:3 And one cried unto another, and said, Holy, holy, holy, is the LORD of hosts: the whole earth is full of his glory. I can’t think of too many things on earth that are genuinely holy. I know God’s house is on holy ground, and the Scriptures are holy, but outside of those two I fall short at being able to make an earthly connection to a holy God! Holiness isn’t our outward appearances or religious acts that we complete – it isn’t shaving our heads and wearing robes as a monk might do. Webster's Dictionary says, "Dedicated to religious use; belonging to or coming from God. 2. spiritually perfect or pure; untainted by evil or sin; sinless; saintly." sacred: refers to that which is set apart as holy or is dedicated to some exalted purpose." It is encouraging to be reminded that JESUS was and is the only sinless man who will ever live. He is the holy of holiest! His precious blood was untainted by sin!

Sovereign – Yes, we serve a sovereign God! The Scriptures teach us that God's sovereignty is not just another doctrine. It is the very core of the gospel. If anything, this omnipotent quality ought to be underscored.  God is revealed as the Sovereign One on every page of Holy Scripture.

Trustworthy – Be encouraged because God never made a promise He didn’t keep! He won’t let us down! Ever. He is incapable of deception, half-truths, dishonesty, or any type of fraud whatsoever. His love and His Word are pure! HE is faithful beyond measure.

Strength  The Bible teaches us not to rely on our own strength, but only on the strength of God. Psalm 46: God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble (KJV)  I could write paragraph after paragraph on the strength of Almighty God, but I will summarize it quickly. He made the universe. He created mankind and the planet we live on. Earth is His footstool. He gave His Son to die for us. There is no greater strength than the power of a HOLY God!

Press ON WEARY SOLDIER! Be of good cheer - God is with you!  In dark times…He is with His children.

Look UP my friends!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Laughter Goes A Long Way

A merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance: Proverbs 15:13
There’s nothing worse (sometimes) than being around a continual sourpuss! The “Debbie downer” of the crowd. The “sarcastic” one of the group. The “negative one” in a conversation. The “argumentative” person. Isn’t there usually a “nay-sayer” in every crowd? The one who always has to make THEIR point or bust! Ugh. I encourage you not to pick up bad habits! Be courteous, but keep it moving! Dont' 'entertain' doom and gloom! It only rubs off. {My opinion is that we should keep our circle very close! We can't just vent to anyone!}
It’s important that the Christian remember that humor and lightheartedness are good qualities to possess. “Clean” humor can be described in different terms, but I find most people can laugh or smile at things they can relate to. We all have funny antidotes throughout an average week – it’s how we look at them.
I read a funny devotion written by George Whitten. He said a young reporter approached an elderly man on his 100th birthday. “Happy birthday, kind sir! Can I bother you with one question?” he asked. The centurion agreed.
“In all your years of living, of what are you most proud of?” he inquired.
“Well,” said the man, “I don’t have a single enemy in the world.”
“Really?!” shouted the reporter, “That’s incredible – how inspiring to all of us!”
“Yep,” replied the elderly man, “outlived every darn one of ‘em.”
Sadly, we often fail to see the brighter side of tough situations. I realize, and you realize of course, that life isn’t a bowl of preverbal cherries, but it’s good when we can laugh a little, or a lot, in our journey. It’s also a blessing to offer a cheerful countenance to someone going through hard times! We have a lot of opportunities to find humor in life. It’s a lot better for our spirit than looking at the unconstructive side!
Perhaps you’ve heard the true story of John Wilson. “Johnny” was about 6 years old when he was in Sunday school one particular day. The lesson was focused on how God was/is the Creator of everything, including human beings. Johnny seemed especially interested in how the first lady, Eve, was created. (You know how blood, guts, and gore can appeal to young boys). Later in the week, John’s mother noticed him lying down on the floor. She was fearful for a moment – she thought he looked sick.
“John, what’s the matter?” she anxiously asked. He responded, “Mom, I have a bad pain in my side. I think I’m having a wife!”  {Haha ~ the insight of children!}
Tell something funny or humorous today. A little laughter goes a long way! Take a moment...breathe; smile, laugh!
Look UP my friends!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Do Prayers Get Results?

As a Christian, do you feel confident that your prayers will get results from our Almighty God? (And yes, we understand that results are not always a “yes!”) Will God answer? Does He hear you? I know that what I’m going to say isn’t “politically correct,” but please let me say it this way…What should you expect from the One True God of the Bible? One famous and respected pastor asked, "Do you expect Him to compassionately and without judgment answer the prayers of a people who often pray to other gods; people who live wickedly day in and day out? Will He answer prayers for people who actively serve other gods or refuse Him entirely into their lives, those who ask for things that are directly not His will?"

I know it may sound harsh, but the answer is quite simple. No! We have no genuine reason to expect real Holy Ghost answers to our prayers unless we’re actually praying to Almighty God, in the right spirit, and in the right way. It is my opinion that literally millions of people have no idea WHO the True God is or how they should pray to Him. It is a very serious issue.

Prayers are not the same things as chants or mantras – prayers are not positive affirmations about the power of the human spirit. One article I read said it very well, "Some of those pieces of “mind science” are encouraging and can keep us motivated for the short-term, but it doesn’t replace the conversation of prayer with our Heavenly Father."

I have outlined a few basics to help you get started or to review your prayer life.

#1 ~ Study the Bible (The Apostle Paul wrote: "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work" (2 Timothy 3:16-17).

#2 ~ Have faith in God – and Him alone (This is such a basic principle, that it often gets overlooked or taken for granted!) Refer to Romans 10:17 – where the Bible teaches us that “faith comes by hearing!”

#3 ~ Ask God to Mold You (in His image!) What God leads, creates, and molds is GOOD.

#4 ~Put God FIRST in your life (Keep in mind what the Apostle Paul declared: 'I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me" (Galatians 2:20, KJV).

Below is a prayer for hope and faith. Often times, life overwhelms us – situations snowball out of control and we’re left wondering what happened?! We feel desperate. We feel like God doesn’t hear our prayers. It’s during THESE times that we must pray fervently. Faithfully. Keeping our eyes on Him; not our circumstances.

A Prayer for Hope

Heavenly Father, I pray to You in Jesus’ name ~ the name above every name. I am your humble servant, coming before you in need of both faith and hope. I ask You to help me when I feel weak, and to lift me up for your glory when I feel hopeless. I am literally praying for Hope in You, and you alone. I believe You offer hope for a better today; a better tomorrow if I’m granted one. I trust You. You are the light in a dark world. I have confidence that your grace IS sufficient. I need your mercy in every way, every day. Thank you for your heavenly provisions for me! Guide me and help me to walk in YOUR LIGHT and live a life that is faithful to You for your glory. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

Look UP my friends!

Monday, June 17, 2013

Dreaming Big for God

Dreaming can be healthy for the spirit of a Christian. Having dreams, big hopes, and immense ambitions for ourselves isn’t necessarily vanity or selfish thoughts. A popular life coach said, "Dreams can be goals and aspirations that stir your heart and saturate your soul with joyfulness at the mere thought of them! It’s not wrong, in my opinion, to want to live your life at God’s highest calling." His highest level of Christian living – in what you do, how you do it, and what kind of Christian you are becoming in the experience. It’s okay to dream big! You know that old adage – “Go big or go home!” We should never become "status quo" on serving God. Let's put action behind our dreams. Dr. Billy Graham said decades ago, "People need us!" It still rings true today.

I believe that our dreams reflect who we are – within Christ Jesus. A book I read said, "A dream is like a burning fire within you – and you cannot ignore it forever. Dreams of a heavenly nature keep returning to your mind, simply because it’s part of who you are!" Dreams draw us closer to God – like a magnet attracts itself to steel. {Life Moment: Not every dream is of God’s origin. Christians understand this. But! When your dream is God-focused, it is an unstoppable fire within you! Also - Be cautious not to chase a dream that God didn’t put into your heart!}

So you ask – how do I KNOW my dreams are blessed by God? You’ll know it by:

#1 -  It brings Glory to God
#2 – It is a burning fire that cannot be extinguished by discouragement
#3 – It meets a need that man cannot fulfill
#4 – It’s bigger than you – it cannot be met without God’s provision

I encourage you, Christian, to get alone with God. Dream big! Accept that you have dreams! It’s okay! Turn off the iPod – turn off the television – put the kids down for a nap (whether they’re 4-legged or 2-legged in nature).  We have to get alone with God and listen. Psalm 46:10 says, "Be still, and know that I am God."

You’ve probably seen an old movie or episode of The Lone Ranger where young Indian boys would be sent out into the wilderness, not to return to the tribe until they had received their “vision quest.” This was a real custom among many Indian tribes. Those who became easily discouraged came back in the early hours. Those who stayed until they had a vision later became the leaders of their tribe.

What do you dream about? What ways do you want to glorify God that nobody knows about?

I admit, I have big dreams! I dream of making a difference in the lives of Believers and non-believers.

Look UP my friends!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

June's Top 6 Encouraging Quotes

Encouragement is something we can all benefit from. We need it! Let’s try to lift up and edify each other more. I’ve searched and meditated over several scriptures and resources and came up with June’s “Top 6 Encouraging Quotes.”
I pray that these motivational quotes will give you the inspiration you need to stay on track, to connect, and fully move toward your life purpose. I pray these quotes will help you focus your mind and reach higher as you continue to fulfill God's Will for your life.  {PS - One internet friend told me that she hangs these quotes in her closet, in her car, and in her child’s bedroom each month – I was very humbled by that! The reason I’m sharing that isn’t to boast, but to encourage you to post them near your desk at work, on a mirror you routinely use, or somewhere you’re apt to look throughout the month!}
June’s Top 6
"We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us." ~ E. M. Forster

"Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth." ~ Mark 9:23

"Faith is the strength by which a shattered world shall emerge into the light." ~ Helen Keller

"But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus." ~ Philippians 4:19
"Christians are rare people on earth." ~ Martin Luther
"What your soul needs is a check up." – Dr. Henry Brandt
Look UP my friends!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Children Need the Gospel

1 John 2:12 - I write unto you, little children, because your sins are forgiven you for his name's sake.
Be warned: I’m on my soapbox again. If you stop reading now, I do understand!  I don’t want to come across haughty, judgmental, or confrontational, but I truly believe that without a single doubt, every adult in a child’s life is accountable to guide and help him or her! Every adult is responsible for exposing and reinforcing Christian values AND Christian living to our youth. Our kids are sooooo pressurized in a variety of ways. As parents, teachers, Sunday school teachers, Coaches, Grandparents, Neighbors, Friends, Aunts, Uncles, and Mentors…we have a job to do! We must help our youth reclaim their innocence – reclaim God as a necessary part of their childhood. It isn’t easy, but aren’t our kids and grandchildren worth it? Isn’t the next generation of the Church worthy of the investment?!
This is a very serious situation – the current standing of our youth. Have you been in a middle-school cafeteria lately? A high school gymnasium? The Food Court at a large mall? What about your church’s youth group? (If your church doesn’t offer youth-centered events, ask yourself what are the children in your life gravitating to?)  It’s time to take an assessment ourselves! Our children need the Gospel just like adults! Maybe even more so! I firmly believe Christians have mission fields in our very own back yards! Our youth!
Young people must know they are valued and loved. They need a stable home where God is first and adored on a DAILY basis. Adults are inundated with media, Hollywood, music, magazines, and every kind of genre known to mankind. So are our kids! They need to be sheltered and protected! Don’t let a society void of God mold our children! They will NOT receive the kind of foundation needed for adulthood! Our kids need to be exposed to the Gospel routinely – you cannot over-expose God to children! They need to hear Bible stories. Read their Bible. Attend a Christ-centered church. Sing in the choir. Attend Vacation Bible School. Fellowship with other Christian friends.  It’s not about entertainment. It’s about salvation and teaching Biblical principles that will help them as adults. Kids need to hear mom and dad, or the adults in their life, talk about Jesus sincerely. (They need discipline, but adults should NOT destroy the child’s self-worth. After all, Jesus Himself said suffer not the little children).  Humiliation and punishment that belittles the child will not help him learn suitable behavior, including how to dress.  Like the old hymn says, “softly and tenderly” we must demonstrate our love for the Savior and our love for the kids we’re around. It isn’t easy, but we MUST teach our children Christian values and let them see those values actively dwelling and practiced within OURSELVLES. {We’re raising a generation of people who do NOT know God. It really breaks my heart. And there’s boldness in today’s nonbeliever. There’s no humility!}

I have come to believe that we are to be continually teaching our children and telling them about God. And if we live in the spirit of God, He will lead us as we teach our children right from wrong. It will help our kids if they SEE our humility. Our ability to face rejection from modern man. Our commitment to the church! These are real cornerstones of character for the Christian – young and old alike!
I encourage you as emphatically as I can…Involve your child in God-centered things first! Be the example they need spiritually. Be the connection with church and God while they’re young and trainable. The information and the knowledge they gain there will help them to understand how Jesus wants them to live. It will prepare them for their heavenly home!

We MUST acknowledge that kids grow up. We only have ONE shot to make an eternal difference in the souls of our kids. Invest the time well!

Look UP my friends!

Monday, June 10, 2013

What's the Key?

Perhaps you’re not familiar with the great Welsh revival of 1904? The Welsh Revival (1904–1905) was the largest Christian revival in Wales during the 20th century. It isn’t vastly known, yet, it was one of the most dramatic Christian events in terms of its broad impact on the population, and it had repercussions that impacted far beyond the Welsh border. That one revival propelled a series of revivals in other countries. Thousands of souls came to the saving knowledge of Jesus through ONE revival. I hear it quite often - that today America needs a great revival! Other countries too! We need a movement from God! It sounds overly simplistic, but it starts with one person.

Let’s ask ourselves the following: What about God has changed from 1904 to today? What part of the power of Christ’s resurrection has lessoned from then until now? [Absolutely nothing!] What part of the work of the Holy Spirit has changed? [Again, nothing! We know God doesn’t change!]

So what’s our key to surviving – to living a happy, fulfilling Christian life even though many of our families, churches, and work places have fallen on desperate and disappointing times? We’ve largely distanced ourselves from God. (Life Moment: I notice that many people are so caught up within their own circle of life to reach out in a genuine manner to someone else. I said notice – not judge). Yes, many Christians, churches and families are suffering, but, not because of attendance, money, or lack of association. We are in desperate times because we desperately need a movement from our Almighty God and nobody seems to realize it!

So, allow me to briefly outline what we should NOT do:

1)    Don’t focus on our failures. Admit them. Confess them to Jesus. Accept what it is. But, then seek forgiveness. As humans we all fail. God uses our failings to help us grow in Him. Don't become overly frustrated when you fail. Think of it as an opportunity for God to teach you how to better trust in Him.
2)    Not understanding God’s Word. Most of us didn’t speak a second language in kindergarten did we? We didn’t succeed at geometry in the 4th grade? No. It takes time. God’s infallible Word is like that too. That’s why it’s important to listen to as much Bible preaching as possible. Fill your heart with good, God-centered music. {There’s nothing wrong with the old sacred hymns! There’s good music in today’s world too. Just choose carefully. Fill your mind and your heart with those heavenly things}
3)    Don’t be Overly Impatient! Things don’t happen overnight. We often wish they would, but there’s a reason adults don’t always receive instant gratification. Good things do come in time. You know that out of battles – out of sorrow – God delivers joy!
4)    Don’t succumb to Feelings alone! When bad things happen, it’s natural to experience the pain and disappointment. It’s also natural to have our mind exacerbate the situation. Our minds can do terrible things to our countenance!

Sometimes our walk of faith isn’t fun – anyone who tells you that it’s always fun isn’t being honest in my opinion! It can be tough! It requires strength! This Christian walk requires FAITH!  And sometimes we have to walk by that faith. Whether you feel glad or sad, discern that God still loves you. He is with you to help you along your journey of faith.

So, what’s the key to persevering?? Know. Discern. Believe. Remember. Trust. That God loves YOU. No matter what.

Look UP my friends!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

When I Say I'm a Christian

When I Say I’m a Christian
By Kimberly Hemric 6-5-13

When I say I’m a Christian…
I’m not speaking with vanity’s pride
I’m admitting that I make mistakes
And that I need God by my side.

When I say I’m a Christian…
I’m confessing my iniquities deep within
I’m not saying that I am worthy
For countless are my forgiven sins

When I say I’m a Christian…
I have nothing to brag within my own
My best attempts are as filthy rags
Yet, He gave the greatest love ever known.

When I say I’m a Christian…
It doesn’t mean that I don’t fail
It doesn’t mean that I’m better than you
It just means I’m saved from a place called hell

When I say I’m a Christian…
It means I want you to accept Jesus too
Because He is my dearest friend
And He died for me and you

When I say I’m a Christian…
I ask you not to look at my pain
For I’m just a regular person
Who continually calls on Jesus’ name

When I say I’m a Christian…
Don’t expect perfection or grace
But I am trying to live for Him
Until I see His blessed face.

When I say I’m a Christian…
I do not criticize you or judge
For, I have no desire to do that…
I just want you to know the Savior’s love

What about you, friend? Are you searching for unconditional love? Peace? A refuge from your current storm? If you would like to have a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ, you can say this heartfelt prayer:

Heavenly Father, I admit I need you in all areas of my life. I am a sinner. I believe that you will forgive my sins through the death and resurrection of your Son, Jesus. I invite Jesus into my heart, to be the Lord of my life. I ask you to save my unworthy soul. I pray this in the name of Jesus. As an expression of my faith, I thank YOU, Father, for directing my life and giving me a new life in Jesus. Amen.

This prayer has many correct variations – many RIGHT ways to pray – the best way is to believe in your heart and just ask God into your life. It doesn’t have to be long, fancy, or religious. Just regular conversation between you and God is enough! I encourage you to read a few verses in the Book of Romans such as the following:
Romans 3:10 - As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one:
Romans 3:23 - For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;
Romans 5:8 - But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
Romans 6:23 - For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Romans 10:9-10 - That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus,

I would be honored and love to pray for you. I can also send you any further information on what it means to be a Christian. Just email me for any further information.

Look UP my friends!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Are You Listening?

The Voice of God

· Reassures the Christian
· Encourages His children
· Leads you
· Calms you
· Speaks to you like no other!
· Convicts you
· Enlightens you
· Feeds your spirit
· Stills you
· Comforts His child
· Touches the deepest part of our soul
· Directs your paths
· Never guides you wrong!

The Adversary's Voice
· Confuses you
· Worries you
· Condemns you
· Frightens you
· Rushes you to make wrong choices
· Lies to you
· Stresses you

So, now you're able to quickly differentiate WHOSE voice you're listening and responding to most often! Be aware, friend. Not everything you hear is the truth.

Look UP my friends!