Thursday, April 10, 2014

Spring Is Alive!

Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Who hath ears to hear, let him hear. Matthew 13:43 (KJV)

Recently I’ve been posting pics on FB of budding pear trees, cherry trees, and various blooming bushes in my area. While it has started off as a very “cool” spring with blustery winds and lower temps, it seems that springtime has arrived in the foothills of ‘Carolina, where I reside. I haven’t met one person lately who hasn’t commented on their appreciation for winter’s closing this year. It’s been a hard winter in most areas of the country!

I can feel the sun pressing through my curtains in the morning, offering wonderful warmth. I take a few minutes to open the blinds and let the new day filter through. As I look out to my patio, I take note that the Easter Bush (Forsythia) went into full bloom already and dominates the fence with gold and green foliage. I see “spring onions” and dandelions popping through the grass. I cannot help but notice the “fair-haired soldiers” of spring, the daffodils, blowing east and west in the breeze. I am looking for signs of the hummingbirds’ return. I do hear one bird in the background…the rat tat-tat of a woodpecker resonates as it beats against an old white pine tree. The sun breaks through the dogwood and oak trees with a splendor that causes me to squint. The sun will not be denied this morning as it casts light into once dark shadows.

As I take a few moments before my work day begins, the sounds and visions of springtime fill my senses. It is like a love-song directly from God, reminding me of new beginnings. Hope. Serving note that He breathes new life into what was once dead. Joy. Happiness. A fresh start. Life. Yes, spring is alive!

As my quiet time with God abides, I tend to forget the stress and problems from yesterday. The day before. A week ago. His grace allows me a sense of “lightness” even though the day’s trials haven’t manifested themselves in their full height yet.

As I stoop to water various plants in old and new-fangled pots, God stirs my spirit. Like these young tender plants needing water, my soul needs the Living Water…every day.

As these floras need the sun, every day I, too, need the Son.

With the spring foliage budding in new life…less I forget that had it not been for Easter, the Resurrection, I wouldn’t have a new life through Christ Jesus! Yes, HE IS ALIVE!

I am reminded that EVERY day we can let God’s light shine within our souls. In the most barren, stormy, rock-filled, dry, and heavy-laden of circumstances…the Son still shines!

There’s an old adage that says, “In heaven it’s always spring time.” May I remember that while I’m in my journey of life down here. Let’s live in the “spring time” in our souls…Right now. Blooming, growing, thriving in Christ.

Look UP my friends! 

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