Saturday, November 16, 2013

A Thanksgiving Prayer

If you live in the United States, then you’re aware that November is the month of “Giving Thanks.” I’ve really enjoyed reading many of this month’s Face book® posts – personal lists people have made each day, counting down the month, to recognize good things and blessings in their lives. We can never thank God enough for all His blessings, can we?!  Instead of posting mine individually this year, I thought a prayer of Thanksgiving would be my avenue to thank my Heavenly Father…may He bless you for reading!

Prayer of Thanksgiving

God of all goodness,

The giver of life

The provider of all blessings,

giver of all grace:

I thank you for the love of family,

The love of friends.

The air that gives us breath,

Foods we enjoy that give nutrition.


I thank you for the beauty you have made,

All that my eyes can see.

Thank you for that which my eyes cannot see,

But I know is there through faith.

Thank you for making a way to heaven!

The seas and the mountains are

Glorious – your creation is truly wondrous.

Yet, your majesty and your glory

Cannot ever be outshined.

Thank you for reminding me how small I am,

How great and marvelous YOU are!

Thank you for genuine Christian fellowship.

Thank you for those who love us by choice.

Thank you for sending those who help share our burdens,

For you, my Rock, my Refuge, and my Comforter.

Thank you for all the people who lighten my life,

For those who love me without question.

Thank you for the husband, family, kids and pet-children I love in return.

Thank you for hope – for grace each day!


Thank you for the opportunity to serve you more!

Thank you for one more day to share the Gospel,

In song, in ministry, by living your love in my heart.

Thank you for the burning desire to make a difference for the Cross!

I do not want to bring shame to your name.


Thank you for putting in my pathway, one more person to love

One more opportunity to spread the Gospel to someone,

One who may experience your presence and your healing power.

Thank you for allowing me to encourage one more person,

One more time.


I am saying thank you, Lord, for being my God, my Savior.

For your promises. For your faithfulness, when mine is lacking.

For your strength when I am weak.


Thank you for forgiving me constantly,

As I struggle to forgive others.

I want to thank you for the hard times.

I know it’s through the hard times that you refine me.

You manifest your will in my life.


I thank you for this day.

Thank you for sending your Son to die on Calvary’s hill.

Thank you for your abiding goodness!

I can never thank you enough…

For knowing me. And loving me anyway!


For these and ALL blessings,

I give YOU thanks, eternal God,

Through Christ Jesus I pray,


Look UP my friends!