Friday, April 26, 2013

Colors Have Meaning

Psalm 150:1 Praise ye the Lord
God’s marvelous handiworks are everywhere. What a stunning land we live in, here in the United States. We have states known for their splendor such as Wyoming – Big Sky Country, Minnesota – Land of 10,000 Lakes, California – the Golden State, Maine – the Pine Tree State, West Virginia – the Mountain State, Mississippi – the Magnolia State and the list goes on. We are simply blessed with a beautiful country!

The passing of each year brings seasonal changes in most time zones, some shorter than others. Here in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains we usually have a glorious spring and fall season, each beautiful and heartwarming in their own right. Spring brings the promise of hope with budding trees and newly blossomed floras, and fall’s vivid hues paint a masterpiece of pigmented colors across a crisp, chilly sky.

Colors have meaning - both in the secular sense and the Biblical sense. This was something I had not been particularly familiar with until recently.

 I had an interesting conversation with a lady several weeks ago. She said, “I know this sounds crazy, but when I listen to you talk, I envision pinks and burgundy. You have a healing, soothing way when you speak.” Wow! I didn’t know what to think. Quite frankly, it sounded a little too “new age” for my initial preferences, but I continued the brief conversation and later began to research what the Bible tells us about color. (Those of you who personally know me understand that I am not magnifying myself whatsoever. I’m using a personal illustration for the unique ways that God often speaks or teaches us).

Lynda Georgeson’s book Scripture in Color outlines Biblical color in the diagram below.

Blood of Jesus, Atonement, Sacrifice, God the Son
Holiness, God With Us, His presence, God the Father
Faith, Joy, God's Glory, God the Holy Spirit
Kingship, Royalty, Authority
The Glory of God, Everlasting God
Righteousness, Purity, Harvest, Bride, Surrender
New life, Growth, Healing life
New Wine, Infilling of the Holy Spirit
Health, Healing, God's Work On Our Hearts
Our Righteousness as Filthy Rags, Humility, Earthy
Sin, Death

What do you think? I researched several scriptures and it seems pretty accurate. To equate sin and death with black. Green – new life, Purple with royalty.  As you probably know, there is a very solid correlation between the subject of royalty and the color purple in the scriptures. The word, royal, means that which belongs or pertains to a king. An article online said, "The children of a king are said to be his royal seed. The clothing of a king is his royal apparel. The cities of the king are referred to as royal cities. Thus, all the possessions of a king are royal possessions." (IF you’re a child of God, you’re HIS possession! A royal possession that is!)

Research went on to say, "Purple is a mixture of blue and red. Blue is associated with law or commandment and red is associated with war, blood, and judgment. Our King, Jesus Christ, kept the law (blue) to a jot and a tittle and then conquered sin, satan, death, hell, and the grave through shedding his blood upon the cross of Calvary and satisfying the judgment of God upon the imputed sins of his elect people." (Can I get an Amen right here?!) Amen!  

The inscription above the head of Jesus on the cross read, "Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews." He was and is indeed the King of the Kingdom of heaven! But do NOT forget, the adversary is an imitator. He tries to imitate Christ, but in a wicked way. We see in the scriptures where his false or idol gods are clothed in purple: Jer. 10:8 Lynda's book said, "But they are altogether brutish and foolish: the stock is a doctrine of vanities."

So, let’s look at “Color” from a Biblical perspective…Isn’t it miraculous that God can take a black sin-sick heart and make it white as snow, by the scarlet blood of Jesus?!

Look UP my friends!

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