Sunday, January 5, 2014

Be Yourself

Be Yourself! Sounds easy, huh? We’ve told our kids that. Most likely we’ve heard that same advice from others. “Just be yourself.” To me it is a somewhat vague expression – because it can be interpreted many different ways.  I think it was Judy Garland (The Wizard of Oz) who said, “Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second rate version of somebody else.” Pretty great advice, in my book! But, how do we REALLY be ourselves, comfortably, among obstacles, critics, naysayers, and non-Believers? Are we strong enough to stand up for God at all costs? From my experience, it’s easier said than done.

I’ve been meditating on the general concept, of being one’s self, the last few days. With the beginning of the New Year upon us, it’s a good time to reflect inwardly, and be aware of ourselves and the Christian walk we choose.

1)   Don’t let others’ opinions penetrate too deeply into your psyche. We will remember the 1 criticism out of 8 compliments. We remember the bad service at a restaurant over the 2 prior good meals. It’s just human nature. I have found that many people speak without thinking! Whether it can be hurtful or not. People have approached me with many callous comments about my musical abilities or my personal style over the years. I try to laugh it off if at all possible (sometimes it’s not easy) if someone approaches you with a statement like, “That was good, but….” Or “You did a good job, but…”

then brace yourself! The adversary is going to prick your self esteem with a sharp tongue! Let’s be reminded that words cause scars. And it sounds rude of me, but really, we must stop allowing others’ negative ideas of who they think we are to matter so much.

2)   Christians should be growing in Christ – not ego! It isn’t healthy to fixate on our mistakes, the mistakes of others, or the general mayhem that life can toss our way. Each stage of our lives should be a stepping stone to maturity, character building, and compassion in Christ. When we start thinking we know it all – then we start ACTING like we know it all – then we’ve lost most ALL the people who need us to be a light. A person of humility is FAR more effective than a smarty pants! Admit it; you’ve rolled your eyes a few times in your life at someone’s braggadocios responses or attempts at attention seeking. (or maybe it’s just me) I’ll say for the “umpteenth” time…Actions speak louder than words! Your moods and spirit ARE noticed.

3)   Be friendly and honest anyway! You don’t have to feel ashamed for being a lover of Jesus. For being a committed Christian. For standing for integrity. The Blood Stained Banner. The Gospel. Your salvation. The mercy and grace you receive each day! It also doesn’t mean you’re perfect. It doesn’t mean you don’t wish you had an occasional “do over” button. Being a “good Christian” doesn’t everyone quantify that most people will love and care about you! On the contrary, it could mean rejection, denial, persecution, and being an outcast. We’re expected to be flexible in MANY areas of our lives, but our walk with God isn’t an option. That relationship, above all relationships, needs to be maintained as pure and as true as possible. Make a choice to be honest, in the right spirit, a spirit that God would be pleased with. Most of the time that requires humility and great sacrifice.

I’d also suggest that we need to beware of the person(s) who claim martyrdom and victim-like living. Those unable to take personal responsibility. Those whose words don’t line up with actions. Or those who hurt you needlessly. Those who are highly critical. Often times, those type people are enslaved to past hurts and disappointments and they can’t get past them. Try not to be one of them! Lots of people are content to drag you down too. Beware! Keep your eyes on Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith!

Look UP my friends!

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