Friday, May 3, 2013

Islam and Christianity

It is important that we, the Christian, understand the world’s view on Christianity – or at least try to be generally knowledgeable. Often in the media Christians are portrayed as uneducated, radical, cave dwelling, alligator wrestlin,’ even racist type cavemen. It simply isn’t true. Given the religious climate in the United States right now (not that we need reminded of the Boston explosions) it is even more important. A recent article stated, "I think it is fair to say that most Christians are fairly uninformed about Islamic beliefs. In a similar way, many Muslims have no idea about the real reason Christians worship Christ Jesus and are also widely uninformed on Christian teaching about Him. Most Muslims believe that Jesus (whom they call Sidna Isa) was a remarkably good prophet who was sent to the Jews to bring them back to an Israeli form of Islam."  Muslims believe that Islam was the religion which was practiced by all the prophets (Abraham, David, Moses, Solomon, Jonah and others). Afterwards their followers corrupted the true faith. {This is a Christian blog; therefore, the reader understands I personally reject that philosophy with my entire being. While it is true, that Jesus was a good man, He was certainly God in the flesh!}

I learned in researching more specific information -check out the following paragraph I found online, "Muslims think of Jesus as a prophet who is reputed to have done miracles, but most of them have no knowledge of most of His life and ministry. Jesus is highly honored by Muslims as a holy man, but is not seen to be divine. In recent times many Muslims have pointed to the so-called Gospel of Barnabas as being a source document about the Muslim Jesus. This document portrays a Jesus who is radically Islamic. Many believe that this so-called Gospel was possibly written around the year 1600 by a Muslim living in Spain. It was certainly not written by the disciple Barnabas who was a contemporary of Paul."

In my research I came across a large grid of comparisons between Islam and Christianity. I think it is a valuable tool for self-learning. Diane S. Dew did a great job in comparing the 2 beliefs.

Copyright © 2001 Diane S. Dew   Also See

Z Islam Teaches...
Christianity Teaches...
The Genesis account should not be taken literally, as it contains discrepancies.[9] The earth is billions of years old.
Creation took eight days, it says in Surah 41:9, 10, 12. Surah 10:3, however, states creation took six days.
A literal interpretation of Scripture indicates the earth is only a few thousand years old.
God created the universe in six days and rested on the seventh day. (Genesis 1:1 to 2:2)
The universe was produced by a "big bang" (Koran 21:30), produced by a kind of gas.[10] (Koran 41:11)
The Koran states God created every living thing from water.[11 (Koran 21:30; 24:45)
"In the beginning, God" (Genesis 1:1) alone existed.
God spoke the universe into existence by a word.
  • Genesis 1:20-21, 24 "And God said... and it was so." ( Psalm 148:5)
The Creator did not rest: "We created the heavens and the earth and all between them in six days, nor did any sense of weariness touch us."
(Koran 50:38)
God rested on the seventh day: "For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day he rested, and was refreshed."
 (Exodus 31:17).
Z Islam Teaches...
Christianity Teaches...
Islam is monotheistic (Koran 3:64). The first phrase in the Declaration of the Faith states:
  • "I bear witness that there is no God but the Almighty God and that Mohammad is a messenger of God."[1]
  • "For God hath said, 'Take not to yourselves two Gods, for He is one God.'" (Sura 16:53; cp. 20:7)
  • "Verily God will not forgive the union of other gods with Himself." (Sura 4:51)
Islam rejects the concept of the Trinity. The Koran misrepresents the teaching of Christianity regarding the Godhead, claiming Christians believe in "three Gods" - Father, Mother, and Son. (Sura 5:116, 5:73-75; cp. (Koran 5:114)
In the account of creation recorded in the book of Genesis, God speaks plurally of His own Person. (Genesis 1:26, 27; cp. Genesis 3:22; 11:7; Isaiah 6:3, 8)
The Christian Scriptures, both New and Old Testaments, teach that the Godhead consists of three persons in one: the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Isaiah 11:2 "...the Spirit... the Lord... Him"
Isaiah 42:1 "My Servant... I... My Spirit... upon Him"
Isaiah 48:16 "The Lord God... His Spirit... sent Me"
Isaiah 61:1 "Spirit of the Lord God... upon Me ... the Lord"
Isaiah 63:9 "He...the Angel of His Presence... His Holy Spirit"
Matthew 1:20, 21 "the Lord (the Father)... the Holy Spirit ... Jesus"
Matthew 3:16, 17 "Jesus... the Spirit of God... a Voice from heaven (the Father)"
Matthew 12:18 "I... My Spirit... on Him"
Matthew 22:42, 43 "Christ... the Spirit... Lord (the Father)"
Acts 11:16, 17 "the Lord... the Holy Spirit... God... the Lord Jesus Christ"
Acts 20:21-23 "God... Jesus... the Holy Spirit"
Romans 1:1, 3, 4 "God... His Son, Jesus Christ... the Spirit

Doesn’t this make you look at the Bible differently? It is certainly a reminder to me, that it is in fact the infallible Word of God! Doesn’t your soul cry out that God DID rest on the 7th day? That we didn’t evolve from the “big bang” theory? We are CREATED in the image of God. Adam was literally created out of dust! Educate yourself! Don't fall asleep (like my cat below)  on our Christian duty to stand up for Jesus!

Please take time to read over the comparison grid posted above – It will INCREASE your knowledge. But, I’m hoping it will INCREASE your hunger for Biblical truth!!

Look UP my friend!

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